Rooftop Meetings

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It had been three years since they defeated Hawk Moth, three years since Paris had seen their beloved heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug was still there of course, watching over Paris, but she didn't wear the ladybug earrings anymore.

She had taken up the black cat miraculous after the disappearance of her partner. She refused to be Ladybug if she didn't have her Chat Noir to be beside her. The last time she saw Chat or Adrien as she now knew, was during their last fight against Hawk Moth, as he was being pushed through some sort of portal.

Watching the mask fall from his face as his ring was left behind was something she'd never forget. Learning the person who had stood by her for years, never giving up on her, was also the kind and gentle classmate she saw everyday in school. She knew she couldn't be Ladybug without him so she decided to become Lady Noire again, but away from the public eye.

She would spend her nights running across rooftops and making sure Parisians were still safe. If she did have to intervene, it was always from the shadows. Whispers of a woman in black with glowing green eyes that protected the streets of Paris after dark were the only words of superheroes these days.


"Feelin better kid?" Plagg asked, resting on Marinette's shoulder.

Tonight was like any other night where she had woken up from a nightmare, reliving the last moments she saw her partner. Plagg would always suggest going on a midnight patrol but she knew that he was trying to get her out of the house, being outside helped her forget whatever was in her dreams.

"I'm a little better Plagg, thanks." she replied, giving him a small pat on the head. Even if she would never see him again, being around Plagg helped, it reminded her of all the happy times the two of them had shared while working together and all the times she'd seen him in school. Being around Plagg all the time made it seem as though she hadn't lost her partner forever.

Plagg suddenly jumped up from her shoulder, eyes locking onto something behind Marinette's head.

"What is it-"

"Shh!" Plagg hissed, cutting her off, "As soon as you transform, hide" he said quickly before he flew straight into the ring, forcing Marinette's transformation into Lady Noire.

Heeding his words, Marinette was already moving into the shadows before her transformation was complete. Being with the cat kwami for three years had her trusting his word without question. Plagg was rarely serious so when he was, she knew to put her guard up. Looking back to see whatever Plagg had spotted, her eyes widened as she saw a dark purple void hovering a few feet above the rooftop.

She watched the void for a few seconds before something even stranger happened- people came stumbling out of it! It was a group of three boys that looked to be around her age but they didn't look like anyone she'd seen before. They all wore strange clothes, or maybe uniforms she thought, seeing how they looked like school aged kids. But they weren't wearing anything similar so she didn't understand how all the boys were connected. Noticing them standing up and looking around now, she was about to step out and ask them what just happened when the boy with grenades on his arms started yelling at the other two.

"What the hell just happened?!" Bakugou yelled, looking around, trying to figure out where Kurogiri had sent them when he ambushed them with a portal.

"I've never seen this place before," Midoriya said quietly, turning to face them "does this seem familiar at all to you guys?" he called out, looking between Bakugou and Todoroki. Bakugou was fuming, staring back at where the portal had vanished as if he could bring it back on willpower alone. Todoroki just looked at him and shook his head silently. Even with how quiet he was being, Midoriya knew that Todoroki was shaken up. Being teleported somewhere you had never seen before was little freaky. This had happened before a few times sure, but they had always ended up in the same overall area.

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