Fate is a Funny Thing

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Marinette left her apartment before any of the boys were awake, not being able to go back to sleep after her nightmare. Plagg had drifted up to sit on her shoulder to keep her company during the short walk. There were hardly any people on the street because of the early hour so Marinette wasn't concerned about him being spotted.

"Think your parents will throw in some cheese if you ask them?"

"I don't even ask anymore, Plagg. They always add cheese to whatever I order now."

"Just checking," Plagg said with a cheeky smile before flying into her bag as she pushed open the door to her parents' bakery.

"Good morning Papa, hi Mama," Marinette called as she walked in. The bakery had only been open for a few minutes so she knew they wouldn't have any other customers.

"Oh look Tom! It's Marinette. Just the usual, sweetie?" her mother asked, giving the girl a quick hug.

"Yes please, but could you add a few extra croissants?" Marinette asked, moving to sit at one of the bakery's small tables while her father got her order ready.

"No problem honey!" Her father called back, whistling as he moved around behind the counter.

"What have you been up to dear? We haven't seen you in a while," Sabine said, sitting down at the table with Marinette. While what her mother had said left Marinette wincing, she knew it was nothing short of the truth. After losing Chat Noir, Marinette had isolated herself from almost everyone she was close with. No more going out to see friends, skipping out on video game tournaments with her family. She hadn't drawn a new design since before Chat disappeared.

"I know Mama, I've been really busy lately. But I ran into some new friends the other day and I'm picking up breakfast for all of us. I think I'll take them to the Grevin Museum so they can see the Hall of Heroes."

The real reason Marinette had stopped coming to see her parents as often was because they always reminded her how full of life and happy she had the ability to be. But she didn't deserve to feel happy after what had happened to her partner, after she messed up-

Quickly snapping back to the present, Marinette plastered a smile on her face as she took her bag of sweets from her father's hands.

"Thanks Papa, I'll come see you guys soon, I promise" Waving at her parents, Marinette quickly walked out of the shop and started heading back towards her apartment.


"She's still avoiding us Tom. I'm getting worried, this has been going on for so long."

"I know dear, but we can't do anything until Marinette is ready to let us help her. We can't push her to talk to us."


Zipping through the air in front of Marinette, Plagg let out a squeal as he munched on his cheese with a small piece of a croissant. It had taken Plagg a while to warm up the idea of eating bread with his cheese, but now he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Your parents are the best bakers in the whole world!"

"You say that every time Plagg," Marinette said, chuckling at the kwami's antics.

"Because it's true!"

Seeing the light dim from Marinette's eyes, he quickly flew up to her face, grabbing her attention before she could lose herself in her dark thoughts.

"It might not be such a bad idea to talk with them, little cat. Your other friends too. It's not a weakness to ask for help. I know you've been having a hard time dealing with losing Chat Noir, I am too. But you deserve to be happy, no matter what's happened in the past." He landed softly on Marinette's shoulder as she blinked the tears out of her eyes.

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