Lightweight (Soap 'John')

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"Your a lightweight!" John yells laughing and I scoff in response "Am not!" "Am too". I swear to god if Price wasn't in the same room as us I would've swung at his smug face. I am most definitely not a light weight, if anything he was. I'm going to prove it. "Fine, we'll go out for drinks tonight and see who holds their alcohol better, im not paying" I say to him and he groans "I'll just ask Simon to pay for us, lord knows he would." he laughs.

Ghost well Simon has to deal with mine  and John's disagreements every time. When we argued about who has the better aim, Simon had two targets with bullet holes in them practically shoved in his face because he had to judge who more accurate. I'm not going to lie, I do enjoy our little disagreements because that means we get to spend more time together.

I park my car in the pubs parking lot and I get out of my car, walking inside the pub. I'm greeted with the sound of people chatting and cups clinking. I look around the loud room and see Simon and John in the corner sitting at a table. I take a seat beside John and greet both of the men, a smug smirk appears on my face as I turn to John "Ready to lose?" I laugh. He shakes his head "The real question is, are you?" he beams. Simon shakes his head sighing, comparing us to a bunch of toddlers.

By the end of the hour me and John each have drank around ten beers we both know we aren't light weights and the same amount of drinks get us drunk but we're stubborn. Now we're stubborn and drunk, which is even worse. I clasp my hand on Johns back and call him a loser, thats when Simon decides its time for us to go. Simon pays the tab and walks out with both a drunk John and a drunk Y/n, I just let him basically drag me. John tries to walk but falls over so Simon picks us to drunken adults up and carry us to his car, gently placing me down but practically throwing John in.

Which I found very humorous because I burst out laughing at John as he rubs his head, cursing at Simon. Simon can't help but chuckle as he puts his keys into his car, starting it. The ride was quiet until John slings his arm around me, practically flirting up a storm with me, and I flirting back. "Your quite a cutie patootie" He says soppily with a bad wink to finish it off "Your not to bad yourself either mister" I say back, poking him in the chest. Simon laughs softly knowing that the feeling between me and John is mutual.

I wake up on Simons couch with the worst headache of my life, I feel like my heads about explode. But that was before my memory came back to me, all of last night's flirting with John is overwhelming me. Simon strolls into the room where I am and he looks at me "Good morning Y/n, have fun last night?" I can hear the plain cockiness in his voice. "Shut up" I groan and complain "My head is literally gonna explode" I whine. Simon's looks at me with a fake sympathetic face as he hands me some advil and a cup of water.

A sound of a door opening comes from the bathroom and John walks out, greeting Simon but not me. It seems that he also remembers the events of last night because he awkwardly shuffles past me.

John has been ignoring and avoiding me all week, we didn't even get to have our daily disagreements. I corner him and confront him "Stop avoiding me John! What is your problem?" I snap at him and he looks at me with the saddest expression ever. "I'm sorry, I-I just don't know what to say to you" he sighs, "I mean I practically revealed how I truly felt about you". I look him in the eyes "If it helps I feel the exact same way" I feel my cheeks heat up as he smiles widely at me.

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