To Care for Another

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Chase's POV

Ryan and I were just walking after the race. We were not expecting to hear the sound of a heart wrenching sob coming from the 18's garage.

As I poked my head in along with Ryan we saw Kyle Busch holding his head in his hands, between his knees. He was breathing shakily and it was obvious he had tears running down his face. I looked at Ryan with a sad look.

"Kyle?" He whipped his head in my direction and looked even more panicked then before, his breathing now erratic. His eyes suddenly became glazed over and he leaned onto his car clutching at his chest, his tears running faster with his eyes shut tight.

"Woah woah, hey. I'm not here to judge you Kyle. I need you to listen," I grab one of his hands in mine, "Okay take in a deep breath with your nose and exhale through your mouth. I want you to tell me 5 things you can feel."

He's shaking but grips my hand and nods. "I can feel the floor below me, my back against the car, your hand, the tire, and a tool."

I give his hand a squeeze, "Alright now tell me 4 things you can smell." He takes in a deep breath, "I can smell burnt rubber, iron, gasoline, and the musk of a garage."

I smile to myself and give his hand another squeeze as he takes in a shuttering breath. "3 things you can hear," he licks his lips and takes in another shuttering breath more tears falling down his face, "I can hear cars being worked on, your voice, and Blaney's shoes shuffling." Ryan looks at me exasperated knowing that he's been caught moving around.

"Alright Kyle, can you tell me 2 things you taste?" His breathing is far less rapid now. "My tears and a remnant taste of gasoline." I give his hand one last squeeze.

"Alright open your eyes and tell me what you see." His breathing has become steady. He opens his eyes and looks at me and Ryan, "Elliott and Blaney." I give him a gentle smile.

"I... Thanks Elliott. I don't want to be a further burden." My eyes widen and I give him a stern look, "Kyle. You're not a burden. It's okay. Talk to me, we won't tell anyone. We're only human, this is a natural response to stress. It's Okay." He nods and starts talking.

"I feel like such a failure, I keep having a blown engine, DNFs, constant low results... And what if Samantha won't want me anymore? What if Brexton sees me as a failure? Oh god what if my falling career hurts Brexton's school life?! What if other kids start bullying him because of me? God, I'm such a bad dad and husband." His eyes are tearing up again.

I lean in and give him a hug. He flinches in surprise but then returns the hug clinging to me tightly as he begins sobbing again.

"It's okay, I'm here. Let it all out it's all gonna get better. Slowly but surely it's gonna get better, okay?" He nods into my shoulder still crying and clinging on to me as if I'm the only thing keeping him from losing it again.

I look at Ryan sadly and he returns it with a sad look too. Soon Kyle goes quiet and his breathing has become even. He fell asleep on my shoulder.

"Ryan, help me carry him to my bus. I'm not leaving him here in the cold all alone." Ryan nods and helps get him onto my back.

"Is there any media left outside?" He nods, "Shit. Could you distract them while I get Kyle to the bus?" He nods again and goes off on his mission. The media swarms him like hawks. I quickly run off making my way to my bus.

Unseen I get to my bus and quickly punch in the pin letting myself in and gently placing Kyle on the couch. A few minutes later Ryan pops into the bus looking dead inside.

"Vultures aren't they?" Ryan nods tiredly. "How's he doing? Still out cold?" I nod sadly

Ryan walks over to me. "Babe. You do realize you've done all you could right? You gave him support and have brought him to a safe space. You're okay. It's okay." I curl into Ryan and begin to sob.

"Why are we always treated as if we're less than human? Just because we drive at 200 miles per hour does not mean we're invincible. We have emotions, we're people too Ry!" I cry out loud and the tears flow like a river.

Ryan holds me close and rocks me in his lap as I let out my emotions. He tucks my head under his chin and keeps me close. "Shh, I know babe, I know. It's gonna be okay." I take deep shuttering breaths as I try to calm down from my emotional outburst. I keep my hold around Ryan as he continues to rock me. I relax even further as he rakes his fingers through my hair.

I drift off in Ryan's safe, strong arms. I feel when he plops me down on the bed and when he joins me, wrapping his arms around me and once again placing his chin over my head. I fall asleep after his words of "I Love You, Chase."

I wake up to a sliver of sunlight beaming across my face. I realize I'm no longer in Ryan's arms and wonder where he went until I hear talking coming from the couch outside the room.

As I get out of the bed, I realize Ryan dressed me in my favorite silk pj's while I slept. I let a warm smile take over my face. And then make my way into the main room.

"Kyle, morning... Do you feel any better?" He turns to me and gives a small smile. "I do, thanks for yesterday. I really needed that." I give him a warm smile and nod.

"Alright, I'm hungry, who wants me to make food?" I perk up at the mention of Ryan cooking. "I'd love some of your bacon, home fries, and an omelette!" Kyle snorts attempting to withhold a laugh. "You're like an excited puppy. Blaney's cooking cannot be that good." I raise my brows at him, "Just wait Busch... You'll see Chef Blaney in his natural habitat." Kyle shakes his head smiling, "Whatever."

After 15 minutes breakfast is ready and my mouth is watering. "HOME FRIES!" Ryan laughs at my antics as a I collect 2 spatula fulls of his home fries and then 3 pieces of bacon. Once I sat down at the table on the other couch Ryan placed an omelette in front of me. "Elliott... You legit look like you have stars in your eyes... It's kinda scary. Especially because you tend to be what others call, 'a brick wall', on track."

I give Kyle a deadpan look and shake my head, "Whatever. And for the love of literally anything please, just call me Chase." Kyle rolls his eyes at me but gives a small smile.

Kyle opts now is a good time to cut off a piece of omelette and eat it. His eyes widen as he takes a bite. "Damn, I thought Chase was lying... Ryan Blaney, you take today's victory." Then a ringtone from someone's phone goes off.

Kyle reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone

(Samantha Busch= SB)
(Kyle Busch= Ky B)

Ky B: "Sam, hi. And before you ask yes I'm fine."

SB: "Are you sure? You promise?"

Ky B: "Yes. I... Had a panic attack. Elliott and Blaney helped me through it but with the exhaustion from the race the panic attack I passed out. They let me stay with them. I'm with them at the moment."

SB: "Oh thank goodness, put me on speaker," Kyle does as asked, "Elliott, Blaney. Thank you so much for caring for my husband. I was so worried when he didn't come home last night. So thank you."

Ky B: "Love you Honey. I'll be on my way home shortly."

SB: "See you soon, Honey."

"Thank you for everything, both of you." I smile and nod. "Well, I'm off. Again thanks you two. Have a good day." Ryan gives me a look of 'I told you so'. "Okay so I helped him. Yes I did my best. Keep making it a big deal why don't ya." He continues to give me a smug smirk. I roll my eyes.

That night when we get home and get to the bed I curl into Ryan my ears to his chest so I can clearly hear his heartbeat while I sleep. I fall asleep with Ryan running his hands through my hair and him whispering soft nothingness to me. It's probably the best sleep I'll get this week.

A/N: 1488 words prior to the authors note. So, this was a lil indulgence because why not. I feel like Chase would be good at calming someone from panic attack. So yeah. I hope you enjoyed the indulgence fluff.

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