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He reaches for the door, opening it ever so slightly and jumps back. A half dead man falls through landing face first into the ground gasping for air before he finally dies. Soap stares at the dead man for a moment, he takes a deep breath before stepping over the dead body and continuing his journey. Off to the right in the alley is a locked supply box, he breaks it open and spots an adrenaline syringe. Soap takes the syringe and sticks it in himself, as the adrenaline hits him the pain from the bullet wound starts to fade just a little. He looks back in the box to find black powder.

"Seek and ye shall find" Soap comments.

Ghost hard voice then comes through the comms
"Watchya got?"

"Black powder…"  Answers Soap, as he spots a door to another building.

"Nice. this could get interesting….." Ghost's voice is just as hard as ever.

Soap enters the building and takes in his surroundings looking left to right before spotting another supply box, as he goes through it he relays his position to Ghost "In the coffee shop" his thick ascent rolls through.

"Get us a tea" The Britain comments trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Fucking Brits….." Soap complains as he continues to look through the shop. Soap continues to huff as he spots another locked door and has to break it open.

Soap decides to try and keep up the talk "You're going to owe me for this" he says through the com.

"Why" Ghost's voice seems unimpressed.

"We're fixing each other's problems" Soap gives a little smirk as he spots a safe inside the office.

"What's my problem?" Ghost asks, almost sounding a little offended.

"The maaask… take it off.." Soap whines

Ghost shifts from the way Soap's whine sounds through the com "Show my face?" He asks.

"Yes sir" Soap says as his heart skips a beat in the hope that possibly he will finally get to see Ghost's face.

"Negative" Ghost says and Soap pouts.

Feeling childish he comments back "You ugly?" Soap smirks

"Quite the opposite" Ghost voice says back but almost less confident then how he was speaking before, it's hard to notice the shift in his voice how it quiets the smallest amount, how unsure Ghost sounds, it's such a miniscule shift that Soap doesn't notice and continues to tease.

"I doubt that" Soap says well he continues to pout from the disappointment. He backs out of the office with the gun he found in hand. and jumps from the balcony onto the first floor of the coffee shop where he sees a few shadows hanging outside, he sneaks around the shop looking for some more items he could use.

"Picked up some tape" He says.

"Very useful," Ghost says.

"If I have to wrap a gift?" Says soap slightly teasing.

Ghost smirks "So to speak…. Hold on to it" Ghost voice gets caught in his throat before he speaks"Johnny….towns full o' tunnels one leads out from across the church, be advised the tunnel is flooded. Prepare for a cold swim."

"Can't wait" Soap's unimpressed voice comes through the com. He sneaks out of the coffee shop trying to avoid as many shadows as possible. Soap sighs in relief when he makes it past all of them undetected.

"L.t. I'm at the bar" Soap informs Ghost.

"You like tequila?" Ghost asks.

"Could use one right about now" Soap sighs well, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

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