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"You defeated the potential biggest evil of the world and now you're nervous to face a bunch of 14 and 15-year-olds?"

"Vicious 14 and 15-year-olds."

"Who we lied to."

"Tucker, you're not helping!"

"Yeah, plus, we saved lives, remember? It was for their own good."

"Sam has a point, Danny."

"Still," Danny sighed, nervously tugging at his tie. "I feel really bad. Bakugou nearly exploded. Not that that's unusual for him, but I genuinely thought he'd take me with him. If it weren't for releasing all that power in the pocket dimension and that last-minute good guy speech, he really might've just finished the job—killing me."

Sam sighed. "If you're already making jokes about that again, you can't be that nervous."

"It's a coping mechanism, Sam. A bad one."

Sam rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist, tugging him toward the door. "We can get you a better one when we're back in Amity. Talk to Jazz, take time off, and meditate if you want. We gotta get in there!"

Tucker took hold of his other arm and dragged Danny through the door to 1A as Sam shoved it open. Aizawa had his lips pursed and eyes cast to the ceiling in annoyance before blinking and facing them. "I really feel this could've been resolved better than this."

"Live interaction is good for establishing trust," Iida said from his chair.


Like they hadn't even had their trust once.

Iida seemed to be one of the few to be neutral about this. But the glint in his eyes told Danny he was curious as can be, eager to hear their story. Mina and Kirishima were bouncing in their chairs from anticipation. Some others had their arms crossed and a nasty looks on their faces. Bakugou looked strangely calm. Midoriya just smiled sadly at them.

Danny didn't know what was worse.

"Okay, well, first of all, hi," Danny said. "Thanks for letting us explain ourselves, Mr. Aizawa. We really appreciate it." Aizawa barely nodded before moving to the side so they could stand in the middle. "We were quite sure there would be a lot of questions and a lot of... Well, we figured it'd be best if we just explained ourselves a little."

Bakugou shifted in his seat. Danny nearly turned both invisible and intangible out of anxiety but managed to keep his stress to the shaking of his hands and the sweat on his back. What would they think? they lied, kept them on a leash, used them...

"So first a few truths," Tucker started. "One, we are from America. Just not this America. We're from a world where Quirks don't exist and superpowers are not as normal as they are here."

"How did you get here?" Kaminari interrupted, eyes slightly narrowed. "Cross-dimensional travel is a thing from video games and movies."

This time Sam spoke up. "We used the Infi-Map. It can take you anywhere, any time, any place. You just have to get specific about what you want for it to do this. We got the Quirks on the way and trained the three weeks before we actually started school."

"Got Quirks?" Uraraka asked, Infi-Map long forgotten. "How? And how did you even know where to go?"

"The God of Time." The class stared at Danny. "Only reason we're here is that he asked us to."

Kirishima nearly fell out of his chair while some others' mouths dropped open. "There's a God of Time and you're on speaking terms with him? How?"

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