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Sero twirled his pencil around between his fingers, looking at the blue ink inside with newfound interest. Wondrous invention, ball pens... But he was mostly looking at it because he was bored. He dropped his head on the table and groaned, earning agreeing 'hmm's from Kaminari and Ashido. He lifted his head back up and placed his chin on the table. "Anything juicy?"


"Ain't got tea today, sir."

"What's up dudes!?" Kirishima bellowed as he walked into the classroom, responding to the annoyed looks of the others in the room with a sheepish smile. Only Bakugou and the three new people were still missing, as well as Aizawa. "What's got you looking so down?"

"We're all out of beans."

"You're bored," he clarified. He sat down in his own chair and smiled at the other three. "Out of gossip? Mina? No way. You just need a little push in the right direction, no?" At seeing Kaminari shrug and Mina sigh, he grinned as he leaned one elbow on the table and put his head in his hand. "Say...yesterday's training."

She perked up and suddenly seemed awake. "What, you mean Fenton? I'd forgotten about that already with the stress for my own battle! How could I? It was so brutal!" She excitedly turned to Sero. "You think he's going to be back soon?"

Sero shook his head. "No way he'll be back in action today. Did you see the way he was thrown back? Dude's unconscious in a hospital for sure. I mean, I would be."

Midoriya was tempted to cut in, but his direction was veered towards the door that opened.

"Did you see that beating he took?" Kaminari asked, baffled. "I'm swear— if Fenton shows up today, I'm going to eat my socks."

"Have a nice meal, Dunce Face!" Bakugou said as he stalked past them, followed by Sam and Tucker. Danny was last, and finger-gunned Kaminari. "Look before you make bets like that, idiot!" Bakugou yelled from his chair, high-fiving Danny as he passed him. 

Kaminari was yelled at by the rest of the class to get on with it because a swear was a swear, but they were interrupted by Aizawa rolling into the room and grunting that they were to calm down.

Uraraka, Tsuyu and Iida were first to shut up, followed by the area around them, and Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Ashido. The others had been silent beforehand.

As Aizawa calmed them down, Midoriya was...so confused by what had happened. Bakugou and Danny were...friends, now? After yesterday? Especially after yesterday? He gawked as Bakugou shared a knowing look with Sam and Tucker before turning to face Aizawa, ready to take notes. Danny, who was sitting behind him, was vibrating with joy.

It felt strange.

As lunch rolled around, Midoriya was slow to pack up, leaving his classmates to walk into the hallways, chatting among themselves

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As lunch rolled around, Midoriya was slow to pack up, leaving his classmates to walk into the hallways, chatting among themselves. Book after book after notebook disappeared into his yellow backpack, the black void seemingly gulping the information down with greed. 

Danny watched from behind his desk how Midoriya was zoning out as he packed up, and stood from his chair. "You okay?" he asked softly as he stepped into Midoriya's view. His startled yelp made Danny flinch. "Sorry, I shouldn't have jumped in front of you like that."

"I-it's fine!" he said, a little too quickly and too loud. He blinked at his own defensiveness and turned his head away shyly, zipping up his bag and hoisting it on his shoulder. "I should drop this off. See ya." He stalked past Danny, head between his shoulders. God, he just wanted to drop his backpack, get lunch, sit through the rest of the day and go home already. This day had been way too demanding.

Unlike Midoriya had hoped, Danny was quick to react and took a few big steps to end up walking besides Midoriya towards the locker room. "You can talk to me about things that bother you. I wanna know if I did something wrong."

"But...you didn't do anything."

"So why were you running?"

Midoriya blinked and laughed. "I guess I was? Sorry. I'm still processing yesterday in my head with what happened. But-- S-shouldn't you be in bed? Resting?" Sam would probably kill Danny if he was ignoring Recovery Girl's instructions, but she seemed okay with Danny being in class. Not that that made Midoriya less anxious. "I don't mean to tell you what to do or anything!" he added quickly. "It's just--"

"I'm fine, really," Danny said as they rounded a corner. "Recovery Girl gave me the A-okay for leaving the infirmary and I was allowed to go to class as long as I was careful and didn't do anything stupid."

"I know what you mean," Midoriya smiled.

Danny rolled his eyes with a small smile as he pointed to Midoriya's bag still clutched in his arms. "Put it away and then lunch?" Midoriya just nodded and was quick to drop off his backpack, leaving them to talk as they walked to the cafeteria. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

"Don't try that on me," Danny said, a hint of authority in his voice even though he stayed reassuring. "I'd rather have you tell me you don't want to talk than lie to me."


He shrugged. "It's no sweat. Personal boundaries and crap; you don't wanna talk, I'm not gonna push." Oh but how he was pushing in the meantime. Confronting him, cornering him, making him feel indebted —Danny was on a subconscious roll of making his way into Midoriya's mind. "But know that I'm here to listen, okay? Sam and Tucker, too."

"I wanna talk about it," Midoriya blurted out. His face turned a nice shade of pink, trying to hide it by turning his head away. "I mean..." 'Really, Izuku? This person tries to help and you're being like this?' Midoriya shook his head and faced Danny, who was passively telling him with a small smile to get on with it. "It's just... You're so good at making friends. Even with Kacchan. How."

Danny shrugged. "I guess I'm just a nice person." He shoved Midoriya to the side playfully, sticking out his tongue the moment they stepped into the cafeteria. "But all jokes aside— everybody is different. You just have to know what that specific person can appreciate in someone else, and sometimes play to that. Some require banter, others a normal conversation and others a major fight, apparently."

He gestured at 1-A, who were all clustered around Tucker and Sam yelling about meat. They were egging them on, and the others students merely looked amused. "There's lots of people, and not all of them are right for you. Draining, tiring, agitating... But once you find the right person..."

Sam and Tucker waved at him before going right back into their discussion, and Danny waved back before turning to Midoriya. "You become inseparable."

"Danny, Sam is saying animals are cute and I can't deny that!" Tucker yelled. "Help me out, man!"

Midoriya huffed in amusement as he was dragged into the argument before glancing over the group. "The right person, huh?"

His steps had a little skip in them as he walked over to a nearby table, away from the ruckus going on in the center. "Hey, Iida," he said as he slid into the seat next to him. "Uraraka."

"Deku! I was wondering where you'd been," Uraraka quickly said. "Did something happen?"

"We were worried for you," Iida added.

Midoriya smiled, thinking about what had actually happened. "No, no problems. Just...advice from a friend."

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