Chapter 1

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The fight with the villainous organization, The Union finally ended. The current sight of the land was apocalyptic.

Of course, the nobles won. They had their Noblesse on their side.

It was supposed to be a happy moment. If you have the Noblesse by your side, you are sure to win any battle.

Well it would have been a happy moment if not for the six people surrounding a half dead man on the floor.

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel.

The man, the Noblesse who defeated the Union is now laying on the ground with his servant Frankenstein and his friends Regis, Seira, M-21, Tao and Takeo sitting around him.

"M-master... what would I do without you?" Frankenstein sobbed.

M-21, Tao, Takeo, Seira looked away and Regis clenched his fist seeing their boss and principal looking vulnerable and their dear friend dying.

"You..." Raizel raised his shaky hand toward them. Frankenstein caught it.

"Master!" Frankenstein and others gasped. His eyes were slowly closing.

"You... should live your life... that's my... final command as your master...and housemate..." Raizel chocked out.

Everyone gritted their teeth. Raizel knew he was practically forcing them to be happy about everything. But he couldn't bear the thought of people he love being sad for him either.

So as a compensation, he decided that he would try to cracking a joke.

'It is my first time trying to be funny.' He thought with a small smile. His only regret would probably be that he didn't laugh with everyone to his heart's content when he was healthy.

And of course, people only remember what they couldn't do at the doorstep of death. Must be some weird power of death.

"I know I'm older than you Frankenstein, but even when I'm dying, I look younger than you..." Raizel smiled at them.

Before his consciousness faded, he heard chuckles mixed with sobs.


Or that's what Raizel thought happened to him until he opened his eyes again.

The vision was hazy... and for someone with commendable height, his line of sight and perception was too low.

The last thing he saw before passing out again was an already passed out orange fat cat covered in blood.


'Mm...Did I pass out again? Where am I?' Raizel thought as he tried to open his eyes.

His eyes opened alright, and he could see two blurry figures close to his face.

With his already blurry vision, the growing headache was starting to annoy him.

He tried to get up, but he felt like his body was tied tightly with something. Taking a deep breath, he looked down at his body.

He felt half relieved that they were just bandages and half worry seeing a black furry stomach.

'I am pretty sure my body doesn't look like this.' He thought.

With a quiet sigh, he raised his hand towards his forehead to soothe his pain, only to froze at the structure of his hand...well it's not a hand, it's a paw!

"Do you think he's alright? He seemed shock." A quiet soothing voice whispered.

Right, Our Rai had forgotten about the existence of two blurry figures thanks to the... surprise attacks of fate.

Realising he can see clearly now, he turned his head towards where they are sitting, which was not too far away, considering how they poked their heads through his personal space bubble.

For ramen's sake, even Shinwoo was not this... aggressive.

Our two spectators who were watching the great Noblesse's confusion were a 16 years old looking boy and a fat cat.

'I'm sure I have seen that cat somewhere.' Raizel tried to dig through his memory on for the headache to hit him like bricks.

"Nah... he'll be fine." Hearing that deep male voice, Raizel was now sure he is in some messed up dream.

I mean... that fat cat answered the human boy, in human language.

"I knew there was nothing to worry about." Raizel chuckled out loud only for the boy and the cat to look at him with surprise.

"The cat talks, just like you Mr. Kayden." The boy shouted.

Raizel felt something was off. For a messed up dream, it has a well written plot. And the boy just called him cat.

With growing anxiety, he stood up with his aching body, but the boy picked him up.

"You don't have any wounds on you, but you look like your in pain. You shouldn't walk around yet." The boy cradled him.

'Apparently, I've been more expressive than usual.' Raizel thought. But he ignored everything and asked instead. "Would you mind taking me to a mirror so I can see my reflection?"

"He really talks." The boy exclaimed as he and the fat cat, named Kayden took Raizel to the bathroom.

Kayden looked suspicious of the talking cat, but because he didn't want use his powers at the moment, he decided to wait and see how things will play out.

The boy placed Raizel in front of the mirror. One look at his reflection and Raizel was at loss of words.

The reflection, showed a black cat with fiery red eyes.

The reflection, showed a black cat with fiery red eyes

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"I'm actually a cat..." Raizel mumbled.

"You're just like Mr. Kayden." The boy said.

"Mr. Kayden?" Raizel turned towards them.

The boy nodded happily and the the fat cat's malicious glare intensified.

"So apparently, this is not a dream. I... The Noblesse, had actually turned into a cat..."

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