Characters Vs Characters Battle: Sonic The Hedgehog V.S Son Zuri

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Me: Shantae. She's well known as The Half-Genie Hero of Scuttle Town and Sequin Land.

FanboyReader10100: But when she's got badass Boyfriends on her side, you know she's not to be messed with.

Me: Sonic The Hedgehog

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Me: Sonic The Hedgehog. The Fastest Thing Alive and Shantae's Boyfriend in Adventures of Sonic And Shantae.

FanboyReader10100: And Son Zuri

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FanboyReader10100: And Son Zuri. The Son of Son Goku and Shantae's Boyfriend in Son Zuri, The Son of Goku And The Half-Genie Hero.

Me: I'm Zjohnson231 and He's FanboyReader10100. And it's our job to analyze their skills, abilities, and power to find out who will win... A Characters Vs Characters Battle!

(Sonic's Analysis)

Me: Sonic The Hedgehog. He's well known as The Fastest Thing Alive. He's a famous icon and powerful fighter in his own right. With many different interpretations of him have shown up over the years to make their own spotlight.

FanboyReader10100: And today the version of him that's battling is his Adventures Of Sonic And Shantae interpretation.

Me: The Fastest Thing Alive has now become The Fastest Boyfriend Alive.

FanboyReader10100: And he's doing it really well!


Sonic The Hedgehog

Age: 15 Years Old

Status: Hero Of Mobius, Boyfriend of Shantae

Personality: Kind, Helpful, Sweet, Optimistic, Joyful, Cool, confident, always accepts help from his friends, brave, Funny, a great boyfriend, friends with Mega Man X and Izuku Midoriya.


Me: He was battling Dr Eggman when the Mad Scientist sent him to Shantae's world with the Phantom Ruby.

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