The class ✔

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~Françoise Dupont~

Lila POV 

"Students settle down " Mme. Bustier said trying to settle the class down. Guy's listen to Mme. Bustier she is trying to tell us something" I said watching as they all became silent. "Thank you Lila" the teacher said. "Okay so now that your all silent I have a few announcements to make "Okay first of all as you can notice a few of your class mates are not here now that's because Marinette, Chloe, Juleka, Alix, Kim and Nino have all transferred school's" said miss Bustier. After that statement I could hear soft cheering and I joined in as well. Huh so Marinette finally gave up. Well looks like I win again.

 "-Okay class the second thing is that Lila  had enrolled in an essay competition for  our class and turns out  that we got the results back in and well Lila congrats you won !" the teacher said in such a bubbly voice. Of course I won well maybe not exactly but hey as the saying goes one persons trash is another persons treasure. I put on a shocked expression and said "Omg really WOW !! its such an honor to be winning something like this with the thousands of other applicants that would have submitted in their applications. 

"No way Lila that's so cool you rock girl !" Alya said the first one complementing me. "Yeah Lila congrats that essay must have been really good' Mylene said. Then the others started joining in all complementing me. "Okay class settle down I am not done yet " Miss annoying said stopping my lovely followers from complementing me. "Okay so since Lila one the trip we all will be going on a  1 and half month trip to Gotham City !!!" she said excitedly. Wait Gotham huh never knew that's were we were going. Sad the trip is there it would have been so much better to go to the Bahamas. 

 I was snapped out of my thoughts as I saw the whole class yelling thanks and good job's at me celebrating around my seat next to reporter girl. "Oh my god guys thank you for all the nice things you said about me and well I only hoped to pay you guys back with this since you all have been so nice to me !" I said in a sickly sweet tone making me want to hurl. 

Ahh how I love when everyone is wrapped around my finger. They all throw  another round of congratulations before this teacher of ours gets back to teaching. "Okay class so lets begin with today's lesson plan so if your could all please open your textbook to page no. 75 ...." Miss Annoying started while I started to ignore her with my textbook in front of me. 

Hmmm what else can I think of to say to the class I am running out of ideas and my same old stories may start to bore them. Well lets see I have crossed out many topics that I could use and themes though the dating one is still there...ahha !! that's it !! I could lie about me dating some famous celeb but I wonder who......hmmm....Class.......Class trip......Gotham city.......Celebs in Gotham city ......Ohh the Wayne Family !!!!! 

That's it I can lie that I am dating one of the members of the Wayne familiy but I wonder who could it be well That Richard guy is to old and then was the second one dead I don't know anymore the next kid was a girl gross !!!! yep I am definitely not going to be lying about dating a girl cause that's just so gross... ugh anyway then there's that Drake guy he is a bit old but he is smart and co-CEO  so maybe but then again he is not that cute or hot so nah now there's only one person left and that Damian the so called ice prince of Gotham hmmm and he never reveals anything to the media and no speculations on people he is dating and wouldn't it be romantic me melting his heart and he is rude to many so the class probably will never be able to talk to him and he is Bruce Wayne's only biological kid. So Damian it is then ! Oh my god I got another idea on what I can call him as a pet name also damn I picked the right Wayne indeed. 

Adrien POV 

Ugh When will Lie-la stop lying about everything like I swear to God this is so fucking annoying sitting and listening to her spew all these lies that so fake and a simple search to the internet could prove that she is wrong. And my arm feels so dead with her grabbing on to it every second. Like I don't want to be her arm candy but this is my life know. And she is only gotten worse since Marinette and the rest of her gang left. But there's nothing I can do except sit and wait hoping this gets better cause father is making me stay here. But he is in Gotham for some work before the Wayne Gala so at least I have the house to my self with the exception of Gorilla. I can finally chill and take a break from life. Maybe I could call in sick even !!!! 

So this is just a short filler chapter for now... I have school again starting and I passed so on to the next year of this going to hell 5 days in a week. Anyway my first day of school begins in like 3 days and I feel dead and am dreading the day.



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