my day☺

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(Linda means cute,cutie)
A big smile formed in my face while blushing.
Jaun:hey goodmorning beautiful
Damn I couldn't stop smiling
Selina:goodmorning ☺
Jaun:how was ur morning?☺
Selina:good hbu?
Juan:I'm glad and same wyd Linda?
Selina:just going to my class hbu?
Juan: nothing I'm just bored I should leave you since your going to class be good okey take care .
Selina:but its okey I can text and pay attention..

When I texted that he was not active no more did he just when on fb to talk to me? Nah I don't think so he was probably talking to some other girls I saighed and put my phone away. I got inside my class and saw my bestfriend Cynthia on her phone texting someone ha normal about her. I went to seat down at my desk which is by Cynthia she looked at me strait in the eye so I did the same 35 seconds passed And we were still staring so I made a an ugly face "eeeewwww" Cynthia said and we both started laughing "so who you texting" "someone" "-_- really"
I tried taking Cynthia phone to see who she texting but that didn't work she hit me in the stomach really hard "DA fawk you did that for" I was in so much pain that puch really hurt me I didn't knew if I should scream or laugh so I did both "well that's what you get for trying to take my phone haha" "but that shit hurt...hahah imma get you back later".Finally it was lunch time I went to sit with Cynthia and Britney my two best friends and some other friends of mine just went I sat down we saw Tony and Gustavo ugh well now my day has been ruined by them uglys they kept looking at me strait in the eye and they did the same with Cynthia. Cynthia was so mad because tony flicked us off so she got up and grabbed me from the wrist of my hand "come one bish imma hit tonyfluebo for flicking us off" "why do I have to go I don't want to see there uglys faces that close" I don't give a fawk your my best fried your not leaving me alone" "fine fine if I get sick or die is gonna be your fault haha" we both stared laughing tony saw that was was going to his table so he just put one his hood I did the bish whet wtf is that gonna save him from we ain't that blind we can still see him. Cynthia was still holding my wrist and dragged me faster to Tony's table she finally let go out of my wrist and when directly to tony and smacked him hard in the head even the people from the other table heard the smack when she smacked him we both ran back to our table laughing so hard. I could say that was the best lunch day I ever had.The hours went by slowly school ended and I was heading to my bus as I get on and take a seat my phone vibrates I checked to see who it was jaun: hey hope I'm not bothering I just wanted to know how you been.
I felt some weird stuff in my stomach
Selina:hey I've been okey and your not bothering me I just got out off school

Juan:ohh good :) And what do you mean by u can text and pay attention

Selina:well yeah its not the first time I've done it I mostly text In classes almost everyday

Jaun:ohh jajaj damn wish I was you I can't do that it kinda hard here in mexico well a little hard

Selina:ohhh jajaj ik I'm such an expert

Jaun:jajaj i can see that um can I ask you a question?


Juan: okey good how old are you ?

Selina: 13...I'm gonna be 14 In some months how old r u?

Jaun:ouuhh damn ur so young I'm 16

Selina:ohh damn I thought u were like 14

Juan: jajaj really that young i look...well...I'm sorry but we can't text no more your to little I'm sorry but I don't talk to little girls like you so I guess this a bye....

I fell in schock I didn't knew what to say I felt weird like if I lost something what should I say I was I was feeling weird like if I'm worried or sad I was about to write something until I saw this °°° he was writing something.

Jaun:I'm just joking around with you haha I'm sorry if I made u feel bad or something is just that I love bothering little girls like you hehe

Selina:damn I hate chu so much u almost gave a heart attack like what did I do wrong....

Juan:hehe sorry :p I promise i won't do that again :) soo when is ur birthday??

Selina: good and on December 3 hbu?

Jaun:wow December 25 we should celebrate our birthdays together and make a huge party haha

Selina:yeah that would be great

Me and juan kept the texting for hours and hours and got to know each other those hours I talked to him I fell in love like I started to like him ..oohh no hope this doesn't change the way i text him his just idk he has so much I like about him how could I not like him I made a huge sighed and just lay in my bed and hear music for the rest of the time until I fell asleep.

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