Chapter 14 - New Life

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The crew took back all their items, except Rea's books and everyone left the town hall. Outside they were again greeted by Galin.

Mayor, your order was delivered."

Great. Now take our friends into the inn."


It was still morning or before noon, but it was better to go check in to the inn sooner than too late. The town was nothing compared to Central City on the planet Lamia, but it was much better than the settlement with well and many hungry people. Most of buildings in the town were mainly built of stone, with some wooden parts. The inn could be located in remote area of the town. When Rea and others were walking there, they also passed along a small marketplace, where she could see some mugs.

The inn was built in the same style as other houses. It was neither small nor big, because usually there were not many visitors in the town.

Here it is.", said Galin and pointed to a building.

Then, without any other words, walked away. Probably he wasn't so happy of new friends as the mayor was.

Lets go inside.", said Lucia and took the lead.

In the inn they were greeted by a cat girl, who was very surprised to see them, because no one informed her about new visitors yet. But when they said, that the mayor sent them, she quickly changed.

Welcome everyone. How many rooms do you want. We have available only rooms for 2 persons. Animals are also allowed. But we charge them as persons... but that doesn't matter, because you are our guests and don't need to pay... for this night."

She didn't forget to add those last 3 words and it was clear to everyone, that the next day they will need to either return to the cave or gain some money. They ordered 3 rooms - one for Rea and Sally, 1 for Lucia and Dina and the last one for Zack and Sarick. After they checked in and had a meal, they went to the rooms. People in the town were not yet used to them and so they decided to rest for the day and go to the party next day.

[day 21]

In the morning, everyone was woken up by Moriko, the cat girl. She passed them a message from the mayor to assemble at a square in front of the town hall. When they left the inn, everyone was greeted by Galin, who led them to the town hall area. What looked to be an empty space yesterday, was today full of people and stalls with various kinds of food and a big table with chairs in the middle of them.

Welcome, our friends and friends of our goddess Saya. Please sit here with us.", said mayor and pointed to the table.

Thanks.", said the visitors, including Rea and Sally.

It was a bit strange for all people to see an animal sitting with others at the table, but everyone was silent... they didn't want to angry their goddess.

Everyone feasted and sang unknown songs, usually celebrating the goddess... until noon. Then the mayor suddenly got up and started to talk.

Attention please, everyone!."

We are here today to welcome these friends into our town. As friends of the goddess, they are also our friends. They even brought and gave us many new holy books..."

„(Eeeh? What? Who gave them to you? You stole them, you bastard!)"

But I said, that we can't accept them for free."

„(After I gave you my scary look!)"

They deserve some compensation and our help."

And so I and other elders decided like this:"

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