Chapter 2 - The identity

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She had many questions, but still no answers. The most important one of them was her own identity, and also why and how she got to this place.

There was nothing interesting in the room and so N1 moved to the stairs area.

„(Should I go up or down?)"

„(If only I have some item, which could decide it for me... ouch! I almost forgot... I need to find those painkillers.)"

„(The lab was on the upper floor, but there can also be more of those soldiers. But no one knows where and how many of them are here. They can be also downstairs. Either way can be dangerous... I need to walk carefully.)"

She put the gun out from the case and released the safety catch, directed it ahead of herself and set off to the lower level. With the flashlight and the case in left hand and the gun in the other, she slowly arrived at the next hall. The room looked similar to the upper one... except that there was no poster on the wall and the fact, that there were no stairs leading down.

„(Is it the bottom?)"

The room had few shelfs with seemingly nothing useful.

„(Aaah... my hand hurts. Carrying that case and also flashlight in one hand was not a good idea. I need to find some better solution.)"

And so she searched the room and... didn't find anything useful.

„(I can take the knife with me and leave the case here)"

She put the knife to... it would be good to say how she looked. Her clothes consisted of 4 visible parts - gray sport looking shoes, short blue socks, dark-green shorts with quite small pockets and dark-green crop-top... so she attached the knife in its sheath to a loop at the shorts. Only one door was present in the current room and so she slowly walked towards it.

(chomp, chomp)

Some sounds could be heard behind the door.

„(What is it? Another rat?)"

She slowly opened the door and...

Hisss! Grrrrr..."


She jumped back and quicky closed the doot.


(roar, scratch, scratch...)

She didn't see what kind of animal it was, but it was surely bigger than a rat, more likely also bigger than a cat, with fangs and claws. And in that time it was atacking the door, where she stood behind.

N1 had not much time for thinking, because scratches of that animal started to be visible also on her side of the door and so she...


She shot the door at the place, where those scratches appeared...





What was on the other side, stopped moving.

„(I hope, that no one heard that shot.)"

N1 slightly opened the door again and saw a rivulet of blood appearing under it. When she opened it more and looked closely behind it, she was shocked. The animal didn't look like anything she saw before. It had big both fangs and claws. Its body looked like a bigger cat, but its head had only one bigger eye... its tail... no... its two tails had spikes at their end... in one word... a monster.

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