Prologue : Menevolence

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"Flinch an inch..., He vanishes...", Said one of the scientists in the observatory, peering at her screen.

"He?", Was Betty's response.

In the year 2198, where the cyber era rules the sands, a strange surge of gamma emissions is observed by the astronomy division of Starlink, near L1 point from the Sun.

"Wait a minute, There seems to be another source. But this one is coming from inside the earth... And it is similar to the one we have already recorded", The observer added.

"Could that be... Call Sakurai, this is an emergency", Betty rushed with her lab coat wrapped around her forearm, making her way through the double rail-sliding doors.

"Does this mean she's always been alive? For the past 8 years?", The scientist accompanied her, handing out a tablet for her signature.

"The only possibility we can rest upon is that she must have survived. After all these years, do you think we can finally understand what's going on?", Betty's mind has already started to wonder what in this cosmic cluster could have happened 8 years ago, in that explosion.

Yes, an explosion that is never digestible to the MNC, Starlink, that connects 206 countries, for the first time, they had thrown that into the category of "Abnormal:Unsolvable" in a few decades. Starlink is much more than an MNC. For people from outside, it is the government. But for the bureaucrats, it is a marvelous achievement of connecting humankind into one nation so that space exploration can be made much more of an achievable target. Andromeda? Possible with a thousand million dollars for the WARP technology, to spare the least. Starlink has made pretty good advancements in expanding space exploration and voyages exponentially so that reaching times of light speed is possible now. For a company with such kingly feats in technology, Analysing a disaster is not such a difficult task. Yet, they failed. Bare hands were the only thing on display.

What did actually happen? In the outskirts of Burnsville, a tremor decided to show his wrath in the palm of a small home, consisting of a single father and daughter, releasing a huge bomb of gamma energy. The only survivor was the daughter who was rescued by 16 year old Gojo Sakurai, who was then a member of the Maverick Squad aiming for futurised combat.

She was retrieved to the hospital. What's curious is she was surrounded by 6 pieces of shards kind-of thing, all levitating, following her from where she was brought. They were like bees dreaming for the sweetest flower in the bunch.

From then, she was thoroughly under the eyes of Starlink in understanding the quantum connection between her and her sharp-chirpies. It was beyond every understanding of what the Starlink has futurised upon. A whole new dimension of energy. It was never so far for them to vision to utilise it. The first implementation was in the Psionic Squad, a very profound squad in the Military division, to understand the artificial replication. The first to enlist under the team was obviously Gojo...

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