+=+ Flocks Of Swablu Sure Are Magical +=+

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{ Your Point Of View }

It was the next day and you were by your window awaiting the flock of Swablu to pass by.

"I guess it won't come by that fast." You sighed

"Deino." Deino said

You looked at the nearby Pokémon, Zigzagoon and a Nickit running around having a conversation quite loudly.

It reminded you of Piers, the Dark Type gym leader of Spikemuth.

You didn't have time for that, the Swablu were on the way.

"Look! Look Sylveon and Deino!" You exclaimed 

The Swablu flew by the window and you heard some other children from the room over.

"Sylveon!" Sylveon said

"Deino!" Deino exclaimed

"Aren't they beautiful?" You asked

A Swablu flew by the window and cawed at you, Sylveon and Deino.

"Doesn't that look amazing?" You asked

Sylveon watched as the Swablu gracefully passed the window.

The Zigzagoon and the Nickit watched in pure curiosity.

"That was absolutely magical!" You said

Your legs gave in and collapsed quickly.

"I'm alright!" You reassured

Deino clamped down on your arm as Sylveon used his ribbons to grab your arm and pull you up to sit straight.

"Thank you guys! But next time I can use my own arms to sit myself up to save you the trouble!" You smiled

"Sylveon!" Sylveon exclaimed

"Deino." Deino said

You pushed yourself up onto a chair and continued to watch through the window.

"Grab me that photo please." You asked

Sylveon grabbed the photo and gave it to you, you smiled and flipped it which revealed quite a tired and annoyed Piers.

"That's Piers! He trains Dark Types! You're a dark and dragon type!" You exclaimed

You pointed to Piers.

"He's the leader of Team Yell! Apparently he's like really strong!" You said

Piers was such a strong person and kept his head high even when people talked bad about his gym due to the banned dynamaxing. 

Deino seemed to enjoy Piers, not too much though.

A doctor walked in a smiled at you.

"We have some wonderful news Y/N!" She said

"What is it?!" You asked

"Sylveon?" Sylveon said

Deino hid behind the chair but still listened shyly.

"The Gym Leaders are hosting a private event for the hospital, Chairman Rose recommended it. This hospital! We'll be going in five days!" She revealed

Your face visibly lit up, that was awesome news!

"We're going to meet them?!" You exclaimed

"Yup! And get autographs if you'd like!" She smiled

You stared at the picture of Piers, you'd be seeing him in real life pretty soon.

"I get to see all of Wyndon!" You cheered

"Sylveon!" Sylveon said

The doctor walked out as you, Deino and Sylveon happily danced around in a circle with you holding both their paws.

"Isn't that exciting?!" You smiled

You hadn't been outside in Galar in forever, being stuck in a hospital didn't contribute much.

"That's awesome! I'm so happy!" You said

Deino and Sylveon helped you onto the bed before hopping onto it too.

Deino sniffed his way towards you before sitting down and looking around.

"Let's draw some Swablu!" You said

You grabbed a sheet of paper and Sylveon had grabbed the colours for you.

You then proceeded to draw some Swablu for the rest of the day undisturbed by the doctors and nurses.

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