+=+ Emergency Protocol +=+

437 10 2

{ Your Point Of View }

It was the next day and it was revealed to everyone that you'd be staying in Galar for a couple of days since the hospital needed to be disinfected.

"We'll pack essentials only! Water, Food and some bandaids just incase!" You said

"Sylveon!" Sylveon exclaimed

"Deino." Deino said

Sylveon and Deino began to retrieve the things listed, your bag was a pastel yellow. It wasn't as big as you preferred it to be but it'd have to do.

You stuck the bandaids into a pocket on the inside of the bag before zipping it up.

"Anything else I need? Oh! I should probably bring your poke balls and a hat!" You exclaimed

You retrieved both poke balls and put them at the bottom of the bag next to the water bottle and you made sure you covered the two poke balls with the hat.

You finally zipped up the bag and made sure to pack an extra change of clothes in the front pocket, it was only if an accident occurred.

"There we go! Anything you guys want to pack?" You asked

Deino shook his head and Sylveon brought over a granola bar for you.

"Oh! I forgot we needed snacks too." You laughed

"Sylveon!" Sylveon said

You put your bag sitting up straight on a desk before walking to your bed.

Sylveon and Deino happily pranced around before hopping onto your bed as you pulled out all of your gym trainer photos.

"We're gonna see them all in real life! Isn't that amazing?" You said

Tomorrow was going to be the best day ever for you, you'd get to go out and see Galar and on top of that you'd be meeting all the Gym leaders and the best Pokémon trainer in the world at Wyndon Stadium.

"Y/N, are you all packed?" A Doctor asked

"Mhm! I packed all essentials!" You smiled

"Okay! You seem to be free for the rest of the day, why not come with me to help with some of the younger kids?" She questioned

You and Sylveon happily walked out leaving Deino behind to rest.

You made it down and began to help the doctor with cleaning some of the younger kids messes with some of them helping too.

Your legs gave in and you wouldn't have wished for what happens next.

You fell on the ground and your foot began to hurt crucially, you were fine, over exaggerating as your parents would say.

You got to your feet and saw many younger kids whispering, pointing and staring at you. It wasn't your fault you had bad legs, right? It can't be, well, it could be.

"Sylveon!" Sylveon said

"I'm fine Sylveon! Just a small pain." You smiled

After finishing up you went back to your room.

As your Pokémon rested on the chair you were on your bed examining your foot, it hurt, like a lot. You brushed the pain off and yawned before moving it slightly.

"I think I'll sleep early. Night guys." You said

"Deino!" Deino exclaimed

"Sylveon!" Sylveon added

You smiled before pulling the blankets over you and quickly drifting off into a well deserved deep sleep.

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