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Aunt Lucy left me alone for most of today which wasn't surprising, I've adapted to her leaving me to do what I chose to. I never leave this house and I don't have any intention of every doing so
The Outside World holds too many unknowns, it has too many demons lurking in the shadows. It has too many mistakes waiting to be written

"Miss Owens, your Aunt would like to see you in the Courtyard. She said to get dressed in your Sunday Best" Kelsie, the housekeeper said knocking on the music room door after I finished another piece
Speaking a word is not an option for me no matter how hard I try, so music is may sound, my communication.
I nodded over to Kelsie before rising to my feet walking back to my room to get myself ready 

It's not often that Lucy asks anything of me, in fact I didn't even hear her come home this afternoon. She's a busy bee it would seem, more often then not she's out running errands.

I couldn't ever say a sour word towards Lucy, we haven't always seen eye to eye. She often gets irritated by my lack of speech but ultimately I wouldn't be here without her
Lucy took me in when nobody else was there to do so. She took in the terrified 8 year old who had just watched her parents die at the hands of another.
To this day, I have questions about that night
I want to know why, why them? Why was I spared? Why that night?
I want to know who, who did it? Who told them where we were?
And what.. What did my parents do that was so terrible it ended with a monster taking them away 

Lucy had attempted to move me back to Florida with her but she knew I couldn't leave here, she knew that it would do more damage then good to remove me from everything I knew
I think just like everyone else, Lucy anticipated my speech would return once the shock wore off but I don't see that happening at all 

I thought the shock would have worn off by now but I'm either stuck in some freaking freeze frame or this type of feeling is deeper rooted then just a fear 

Fear is usually something minuscule like being scared of the dark, scared of height. But what was I scared of? Talking? How pathetic E..

"There you are young lady" Lucy called as soon as I walked out in to the courtyard, my hands securing the yellow ribbon in my hair as I moved closer to her
"You look just the part" She continued making me furrow my brows at her

"Part?" I signed before Lucy rolled her eyes at me. Both Lucy and I learnt sign language when I was 9 or 10 and to this day I still think she hates me for it
"You can't sign your way through this one Erin. Silly girl" she said muttering the final part underneath her breath
She opened the car door only making me more and more confused
"Where are we going?" I signed before earning yet another huff
"Not We. You Erin" she said 
"You are going to meet your future husband" Lucy finalised before tapping on the car signalling the driver to drive

She knew I couldn't object, she knew not a single word of rebellion could come from my mouth right now.. She planned this


We had driven half way through the city when Albert, Lucy's driver started to make eye contact with me through the mirror
"She means well Erin honey, you know that don't you" He asked, it sounded to me like he was trying to justify his part to play in this as well
But is there any justifying this? 

I'm being carted off.. To some strange man I'm supposed to marry? I don't even know him

Lucy could have given me time to prepare. I can promise you right now I wouldn't be in a short yellow sundress had I known
She said Sunday best.. In the middle of June. That means it was due to be warm
She could have said so much but no, she chose silence. Almost like a final stab at me..

"We are here" Albert said the moment my door opened to reveal a brunette stood there looking at me with a short glare before his face softened slightly. Barely.. but slightly none the less

"You must be Erin. I'm Jeremy, Aiden's right hand man" He answered making me stare at his face a little longer not knowing what to say, what to do
"Who's Aiden? " I signed before realising the poor man probably doesn't know it
My suspicions were correct when Jeremy turned to Albert almost as if asking for help
"She asked who is Aiden" He answered before Jeremy nodded holding out his hand to help me out of the car
"Aiden is your fiancé" Jeremy said making my eyes widen
"I'd be a little cautious with that word. Her Aunt didn't prewarn her, she put her in the car with some of her belongings and here we are" Albert said making me turn to him

"I have things with me? She really planned this and didn't tell me?" I asked and Albert nodded
"Yes sweetheart, she's known about this since Jeremy spoke with her yesterday." Albert said making me turn my attention back to him before looking down
"Will I ever see her again?" I asked, I'm not sure who I was directly that question at really but I was hoping someone would answer

"She would like to know if she will ever see her Aunt again" Albert said
"I don't see why not. She's not a prisoner here, she can come and go as she pleases" Jeremy said
"Don't do that" Albert warned him making me put my hand up to him calling him off

Albert has been around the entire time that I have been. He was with Lucy long before I was so he's developed a protective nature around me and one of his biggest gripes is when someone talks about me like I'm not here even when I am stood a mere two feet away from them

It wasn't long before Albert was on his way to make use of more errands for Lucy leaving me in the hands of this stranger with half of my belongings with me
Things I probably wouldn't have noticed disappearing until it came to having all in front of me
"This way" Jeremy said after nodding to some staff to follow with the luggage
We walked towards an elevator before the journey to the penthouse. 
This entire building was a lot more luxurious then the house that Lucy and I lived in. That takes a lot

I've gotten used to the sweet timely age to Lucy's house. It reminds me a lot of old money and that sort of vibe. But this place.. god it's new
This place had velvet carpets even in the elevator. The walls and fixtures accented with a gorgeous gold while the walls remained warm oak tone with the odd pop of colour here and there

"Your bride has arrived Aiden" Jeremy spoke making me look up to see a man with dirty blonde hair looking up from his laptop. He had glasses on the tip of his nose, clearly he only needs them for reading and nothing more
The moment he stood up, I stumbled slightly taking in his height. He was a lot taller then I had anticipated in the hour I'd known of his existence
And his eyes, the brightest Emerald green I had ever seen. There was something fiery about them. Something that pulled you in before you could object

"You have a beautiful place. I'm Erin" I signed, might as well attempted to greet the man I was supposed to marry god knows when

"Thankyou, I'm hope that you'll eventually feel at home here to. I'm Aiden." He signed back making me tilt my head at him, the last thing I expected was for this beast of a man to know how to sign
"Shit did I do it wrong?" He asked but I shook my head frantically before beginning to sign again
"I was surprised you knew how to sign. Your friend here didn't so I thought you might not have" I confessed
"Jeremy is too much of an idiot to learn" He warned me making me chuckle lightly before turning to look at his friend again

"You're shit talking me aren't you" Jeremy said pointing directly at Aiden
"Asshole" He groaned walking out leaving Aiden and I alone
"You Aunt said a lot of lovely things about you" He said making me look down at me sighing before nodding

"Can you show me my room. I think I need to lay down for a little?" I asked. This entire day had been exhausting.. Or was I running yet again?
"Of course" Aiden signed before grabbing most of my bags and walking through the penthouse until we got to a large room at the end of the corridor

"This is our room" He said making me jump slightly at his voice, for a moment I forgot he had one but looked at him just as taken back
"We're sharing a room?" I signed and Aiden nodded
"You're marrying me Erin, I don't like the idea of you not sharing a room with me. Is that okay?" He asked placing my bags in his closet
"I guess so" I shrugged taking a seat on the edge of the bed

"What's mine is yours, make yourself at home and get some rest. We can talk some more when you are ready" Aiden said before I nodded at him signalling him that he could leave 

What was happening right now.. 

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