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There was an eery silence in this house the later it got. Would it really be classed as a house? It was a penthouse, Aiden had the entire floor. Or at least that is what I think the case is
I hadn't managed to sleep at all but that's isn't uncommon. Sleep has never been a strong suit of mine
I mean, maybe it used to be as a little girl but not since that night

I'd stayed put in the room anticipating that either Jeremy or Aiden would come and wake me up when I was needed just like Lucy used to do but neither of them did

At this point, I don't even know what time it is, all I know is that the sun that was once blinding me through the large glass windows was now non existent, it had been replaced my the encasing night sky. You can see the subtle twinkle of the stars but it is massively tainted by the orange burn of the lights of the city below us

I've always live in New York. It's always been my home but this place was never where I was the happiest. I remember being a little girl and going travelling up to the cabin with Mum and Dad. Now that I think of it.. What happened to the cabin?
The last time we went there was for my 8th birthday but then after everything, Lucy had never mentioned it to me and I hadn't been allowed to step foot there

In reality, I stayed hidden with Lucy. She would go out and make a name for herself, she kept a roof over my head but I never really got to experience anything
It was to benefit me.
Lucy didn't want me to be hurt by anyone going out, we all knew how unkind people can be when someone is different
She was protecting me. I know she way
But why is it that all I can think of is everything I missed out on

I walked out of the door not really certain where I was going. I knew the entrance hall and the bedroom, that's it. I didn't get a tour when I got here because I fell into my own little bubble of panic and hid
That's what I do best

Part of me wanted to try the doors to see where they would lead to but I couldn't imagine there being anything I wasn't allowed to see
Don't usually people make you aware of that, like that would have been the first point of call right?

My hand was now resting on one of the doorknobs a few doors down from the bedroom I had been hiding in
But the second my hand met the cold metal a stern voice behind me bellowed before gripping my wrist tightly
"What on earth do you think you are doing?" He growled yanking me away from the room
"If you're one of Aiden's floozy's fine but don't go looking into places you don't belong" He said pulling down the corridor till we got to the entry way where he let me out of his grip with a push making me fall to the floor

"I think it's about time you leave. I doubt that Aiden will be expecting you to stay" He said, his eyes now narrowing at me. There was a darkness to them I hadn't seen before, one I wish to never see again
"Tell me your address and I'll get you a taxi" He said dialling a number on his phone holding it to his ear

"Well?!" He said a little louder this time making the door behind him open

I couldn't see who it was, or what was going on. In reality I couldn't see a single thing, the longer this guy continued to yell at me the blurrier my vision got
I couldn't tell if it was through the tears or the stress of the situation
Another perk to this situation I find myself in constantly is that any stress, leads to one of three things. I either vomit, have a panic attack or I pass out
And right now I would be counting on the latter

"What the hell is going on!" I heard a voice say, I was certain that it was Aiden but I couldn't be sure. I still can't see a thing and have only heard his voice a handful of times
"I was helping last night baggage out of the door." The man said making me scoot a little further away from him

Right now all I want.. is to go home

"Erin, look at me" Aiden's voice said softly as I felt a hand placed on my knee, I could feel it. I could feel him right there but I still couldn't see him
I couldn't move
I couldn't do anything

"She's not baggage you idiot. That's his Fiancé" Jeremy growled, there was annoyance in his tone before I heard the scuffle of some feet leaving the room rather fast

"Erin, do something please. Let me know you're still here" Aiden said, I took a hold of the hand that was placed upon my knee slowly before attempting to squeeze it, I don't think I managed to or at least not much but it was enough to earn a sigh of relief
"Okay okay that's good. I'm going to lift you okay? Squeeze my hand if that's okay" He muttered this time his voice sounding a lot closer

I gave his hand another squeeze before feeling both of his arms encasing me, it wasn't even a second before my entire body felt light and I was off of the ground being carried to god knows where

I don't where I was at this point, there was a small subtle breeze come from somewhere but it was nice. In fact it was helping me return back to my usual state
Sort of a gentle shake from the incident
"How is she?" I heard a voice said before I felt a weight shift underneath my head
"Where is Tyler?" Aiden's voice said, making it known that the weight I was laid on was in fact him
"I've told him not to return until we tell him to" Jeremy said making Aiden hum in response

"I've never seen you move so fast when it comes to a girl Aide. Is there something else I should know?" Jeremy asked
"Don't start" Was all Aiden said before I felt a hand running through my hair

"She's meant to marry you so that you can keep the company. You only met the girl today and it seems she already has a pull on you" Jeremy asked and I was certain I could hear the smirk in his voice
"She reminds you of him doesn't she?" Jeremy asked making my ears prick up slightly
"Stop it Jeremy. Just leave it alone okay? We don't know Erin and I'm not about to put her into a bracket like that" Aiden said. This time there was a sense of protectiveness in his tone that I had not heard from anyone before

"Are you still serious about this Aide, you know that this is a big thing" Jeremy said
"I've already told you Jere, if it isn't her. Then it isn't anyone" Aiden added before

There was silence for a little bit. So I took that opportunity to come back to reality sitting up finally opening my eyes
It took a little time for my eyes to adjust but I was over the moon to see the blurriness has subsided and my vision was back to normal.
Only after I had adjusted the subtle night did I realise that were sat on some sort of rooftop. There was a pool off to the side but we were currently sat by a fire pit that looks like it has been lit but was dying out

"Hey E" Jeremy said making me look over at him as did Jeremy. I don't know what it is about Jeremy but since I met him today I had the vibe that he wasn't as interested in whatever this is
But now a nickname? I never get nicknames
"How are you feeling?" Aiden asked, his hand now back on my knee just like he has earlier

"I'm okay, who was he?" I sighed making Jeremy look directly at Aiden
"He was a member of my security staff" Aiden said making Jeremy nod
"Was?" I asked
"Aiden hasn't decided the end result for him" Jeremy said
"Please don't fire him over this. He wasn't too know and it was not his fault" I explained making Aiden sigh
"Why don't we drop it for this evening and we'll talk about it tomorrow. I think this has been enough excitement for your first day here don't you?" Aiden asked making my bow my head

"I'll head out now but if you need anything Aide shoot me a text. Same for you Erin" Jeremy asked making both of us nod

I turned back to look at Aiden who was daydreaming looking over at the pool
It was clear that this situation was not as black and white I thought it was. Lucy didn't just ship me off, Aiden chose me for some reason

But why?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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