The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow

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They say the first step to enlightenment is the encounter with the shadow. I've been clean for a month now. I think it is difficult to get closer to my demons at this point. I'm irritated as fuck. Cannot quit booze tho. One thing at a time.

My whole body is hitching. It starts to burn. It feels like I am in a desert. The dunes are getting wider and the sand is dry. Suddenly a red sun is setting. Everything is now enjoyable. Confortable even. The blood start to come out of the sand. Have I been scratching my skin this whole time ?

I know in this situations that a shower might ease the pain. I take one. Then a second. And the third right after.
I grab a towel and jump on the couch.

« But where should I even start ?
Oh ! I know !
The brighter the light - the deeper the shadow !"

As I light my cigarette I sip off the drink next to me. I puff the smoke out and with disgust realise a bit late - warm whisky.
Spit the mixture in a split second.
Laying heads down the smoke and liquid as it fell down drew a smile on my face.

« Clouds in an hot raining 'sky » I smirk.

I take a look around to see if someone got the joke.

« Oh yes that's right. Nobody is there. Nobody except you mister cat. »

I stop for a moment.

« Did you get the pun ? »

It looks at me with is big wide eyes and unpredictability.
I lost myself in there for a few moment.
When I came back to me it was gone.
« How does it always disappear like that ? »

I stop again.

"But you are here too. Here but inexistent. How paradoxal don't you think?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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