chapter 2 vengeance

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Back on Yautja prime wolf was still with the Lost tribe meeting some old allies until serpent was looking for him.

Wolf there you are I've been looking everywhere for you said serpent was catching his breath.

What's going on ask wolf.

We got in till from the law enforcements an illegal yautjaship went to Earth said serpent.

What kind ask Wolf.

Class B a lone hunting ship said serpent.

Wolf was surprised and quickly wasted no time asking his clan leader gray back to board onto a ship and head back to Earth.

Gray back a bad blood is heading to Earth so I think I should hunt down this Hunter so may I forgive permission that we head back to Earth said wolf.

Let me guess it's the bad blood from a long time ago asked grave back.

I don't want to take any chances if he's hunting on Earth he'll be hunting someone that I know said wolf

The tribe quickly gathered there gear and head of course to Earth again so wolf can stop the bad blood.

Meanwhile back on earth the team was wondering why another preacher would be here after the Colorado incident they never seen something like that before.

Ryoshi you have a lot of information about the Predators do you know which one are we dealing with ask Andy.

Nope and all those victims were unarmed usually prices will go after big game like people with armed weapons those people were completely unarmed so I got no information said Ryoshi.

Well the only way to find out is to go look for it said Zarda

Out there in the middle of the night when police are roaming the streets for a psychopathic killer that they don't know is an Dangerous Hunter from another planet said Ryoshi.

I think he is right said Aja.

And with the police getting involved so it's going to be dangerous for us said Krel.

So we'll have to wait till morning said Vex.

Yep and when it's morning we'll try to find a hunter and see why it's here said Ryoshi.

So Krel, Aja, Andy and Ryoshi we're getting ready for bed while Vex and Zarda stayed up in case the Hunter stumbles upon their home.

July 5. 6:00 am.

It's was next morning Andy and Krel woke up all them eat and then got ready they turn on dirt transaction effects then geared up they're tracking supplies they first started in the town to see the Predator was lurking around here only Aja, Krel, Andy and Ryoshi went they didn't told Vex or Zarda but Ryoshi told Mother they went to go do teenager stuff.

Are you sure it's a good idea to find the Yautja in the day ask Aja.

Don't worry Aja the hunter will only hunt in night so it doesn't attract any more attention to itself it'll be hunting in the Woods by now probably so we'll start in the town see if it got here last night and then check the sewers probably and the woods and then the mountains there's my solid plan said Ryoshi.

That's not a bad plan said Krel.

So we'll start in the town see if it left anything and you know what I mean by that said Ryoshi.

They checked around the park still see nothing they check the Alleyways but nothing still until the reach one seeing a skinned person Andy almost gagged from the scene so did the twins almost by the hurin smell from it but Ryoshi didn't.

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