I'll be home for Christmas - Part 2

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She could tell that the Baker twins were both looking in her direction. Simone maintained contact with the ugly white tile. Least the floor looked clean, anything but looking directly at Olivia or Jordan. She wanted to disappear in this moment. She could feel Jordan burning a hole through her face without even looking at him. Her brain was jumbled with a bunch of words still unsure. It was too quiet, way too quiet and it felt like the quietness was eating her alive.

"So, Which one of you is going to answer my question?" Jordan's gaze went from Simone back to his sister.

"I think that Simone should be the one to tell you." Liv glanced at her brother.

"I can't do this right now, I have other patients to see. I'll check on you later." Simone offered softly.

Simone left it at thought, turning and almost sprinting out of the room. Her eyes were becoming cloudy as she shut her eyes tight. She could do this - she could continue working and act like none of this was happening. She was good at marching forward. Simone felt a hand lace with hers making her eyes pop open. She had prayed that it wasn't Olivia and to her surprise - it wasn't.

"Are you good Hicks?" Scott had worry across his facial features. She took in his full beard and hazel eyes.

"I'm fine." She quickly snatched her away back walking away.

She needed something to occupy her night shift. It didn't matter what it was - anything but having to go back to check on Jordan. Now she was regretting her decision on even commiting to be his nurse. Maybe Jackie should do it instead, she was obessesed with him after all. Simone never told her business to her co-workers. None of them knew a thing other than she had a daughter that she loved with every fiber of her being.

She looked at Sarah who handed her a tissue. She thanked her with a soft smile, sniffling a little.

"Your mascara is running. Have you taken a break yet?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Go pull yourself together real fast." Sarah instructed.

She knew it was more of an order than a friend being a friend. She nodded at the brunette going to the locker room. She grabbed her makeup bag and went into the bathroom to freshen up, collect her thoughts. She called her babysitter to check on Naomi and wished her goodnight. Simone stared at her lock screen - it was a photo of her and Naomi from an art gallery showing that Liv had.

"Should I take a wild guess or do you plan to ignore any and all questions I throw at you?" Jordan questioned his sibling.

"Jordan, it is not my place."

"Funny because it seems like you know exactly who is Naomi is and what her relation is to Simone yet you don't want to disclose any information to me. What are you hiding Olivia?"

"Why can't you just focus on getting better Jordan?"

"I can't focus on that because my twin sister decided to mention a name to my ex that had her leave and barely look at me."

"Nope, not doing this. We are going to sit here quietly. You should be sleeping."

"Don't try to change the subject, Liv."

"Too late, you need to rest but first, tell me why are you here?" Liv threw back.

"Don't worry about it."


"I don't know... I just am."

"You hired a private investigator didn't you?"

"What? No.... maybe... Yes."


"I wanted to figure out who that little girl was in your wallet and I am guessing that's Naomi." Jordan wasn't some dumb jock - he could put together clues.

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