Naughty List [M]

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Nothing said the holidays like going home. Simone pulled into her parents driveway and cut the engine. She hadn't been home in months and this time, she finally brought Jordan home for the holidays. Shockingly, her mother adored him. Jordan had enough Baker traditions under his belt that he didn't need to see them this year.

"Ready?" She reached over taking his hand.

"Yeah, your mother loves me."

"Sure, just know that my dad is hard to please." She warned.

"As if I would ever break your heart."

"You just might." Simone opened the trunk. She was about to get her luggage. Jordan smacked her hand away grabbing the handle.

Tina opened the door running down the steps. Simone grew up in a state with all four seasons. Meeting Jordan in college was a whirlwind. She hadn't dated any athletes prior but something about him pulled her in. Of course Tina immediately went to her 6'2 boyfriend greeting him instead. Simone hadn't brought home anyone to meet her parents before.

"Jordan, it's good to see you."

"You too Mrs. Hicks, how are you?" Jordan released her mother.

"Uh hello, back up off mine ms. lady before I scream dad's name at the top of my lungs."

"Hello my beautiful daughter." Tina hugged her Babygirl tightly.

"Exactly, trying to hug mine first, that's how these other girls catch hands." Simone teased her mother , but she was very serious.

The three went into the house and immediately her father's infamous peace cobbler could be smelled baking in the oven. Tina and Simone conversed making their way into the kitchen. Robert pulled out an already done pie sitting it on the cooling rack.

"There is my favorite daughter."

"I am an only child, you have no other favorite." Simone sassed, greeting her father.

"Of course darling but better question is who is this man?" Robert glanced at Jordan.

"Your wife's son in law if your lucky." Simone cheesed willing to be the cause of his pain.

"I'm sorry what?" Robert's head whipped so fast in the direction of his child.

"Your wife is out here trying to be a cougar in these streets to my own man."

"Answer the question little girl."

"I did! I said your son in law. Be nice he's literally harm - well there was that bar fight." Simone stabbed the pie with a fork.

"A bar fight? Simone...."  Robert's brows knitted together.

"Awww dad, don't let my baby's height scare you. He's just a baby! For real though, That is Jordan and he is my gentle giant boyfriend. I ain't even gotta tell you that he is fine, you see it! My taste is chef's kiss." Simone winked.

Simone could see Jordan scratched behind his ear unable to keep a straight face. He wasn't nervous but he could tell that it was going to be a long weekend. Robert offered him a seat at the their kitchen table.

"Now, where did you come from?"

"We met on campus sir."

"And how long have y'all been seeing each other?"

"A little over a year." Jordan replied.

"A little over a - Simone , you've been with this man for almost two years."

"Awww babe, you remembered. Uh yeah, I mean mom knew." Simone smiled softly.

"Tina, why didn't you share that she has a whole boyfriend that she decided to bring home for Christmas?"

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