Chapter 7 - One More Shift (18+)

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Year 2017

Friendly Reminder: Words with *stars* around them are other people's thoughts that Colton has extracted.

"Merry Christmas, dear. Your father would have been so proud of you," said my mother, as she choked back a sob.

She turned to face Eva and touched her gently on the cheek. "Merry Christmas, darling," she said. She looked at Eva adoringly; her misty green eyes emanating with warmth and affection. She turned around to gather the plastic containers on her console table. "Now you'll have leftovers for an entire week!" she exclaimed with a chuckle.

Eva laughed as my mother handed me five containers of food. "Oh, I forgot the potatoes and the dessert," she said. She walked briskly into the kitchen and reappeared a few minutes later with a red cooler and three more containers. She handed them to Eva.

We bid farewell to the rest of the party, which included Uncle George, Aunt Eileen, and Jack, my mother's neighbour. Jack had moved into the neighbourhood in the spring, right after his divorce. Thanks to my telepathic powers, I was able to determine the status of his relationship with my mother. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company but hadn't yet entered into an official relationship. Jack was a former military man; a naval combat systems engineer. He was intelligent, intuitive, and analytical. I respected Jack and trusted him to take care of my mother.

We stepped outside, and Eva started towards our parked cruiser on the driveway. I felt my mother grab my arm. I turned around, and she gave me an enthusiastic wink. "Good luck! Call me right after Eva says yes!" she said with a grin.

I smiled back. "I will," I assured her. She nodded and rubbed her hands together excitedly. She waved goodbye as I walked towards the vehicle.

I entered the cruiser on the driver's side and pulled on the seatbelt. "Your mom's such a sweetheart, and I am completely stuffed," Eva said with a laugh.

"Yeah, she always makes a lot of food, but I think she went overboard this year to impress Jack."

"I like Jack. He's very serious, but I think he complements your mother."

I nodded in agreement. "My mother is very anxious and frazzled. She needs someone like him to keep her grounded."

Eva placed her hand on my knee and let out a long sigh. "Three more hours until it's officially Christmas. I hate working the Christmas shift, but at least I'll be with you," she said. I took her hand and brought it up to my lips.

I smiled at Eva, as I reminisced about all the wonderful events that had occurred over the past eighteen months. Since our first kiss at the carnival, everything in my life fell into place. It was surreal; almost magical. Eva and I kept our relations private for several months. Eventually, we announced our relationship to the precinct, and we were granted permission to remain as partners. Even Matheson, who had been staunchly against romantic relationships within the police force, ended up changing his mind. "I can't think of two people more perfect for each other," he had told me.

I woke up one morning three weeks ago and decided it was time to pop the question. I went to pick out an engagement ring and brought along Matheson and Lopez for support. Eva loved the holiday season, and I figured New Year's Eve would be the perfect night to propose. We would head to the beach and I'd take her to the exact spot where we met back in college. Eggo the Gorilla would be making an appearance. Eva was certain to roll her eyes and make sarcastic comments throughout, but her heart would be swollen with love.

She was still outrageously stubborn and ill-tempered - I mean, who else but Eva would ignore their significant others for three days over an argument about dish detergent? But I considered her stubbornness to be admirable, and her temper to be a result of her passion. I loved her wholly, and I truly felt that we balanced each other out both emotionally and professionally.  

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