✩Nanny for hire!☆

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Hi lol sorry I haven't updated any of my pathetic storys at all so sorry bout that XDD

"Well, we're going to be out for at least three days for our date, and nobody will babysit!" Marge said to her husband, taping her fingers on the kitchen table. "Well, Marge, can't we leave the kids here by themselves for a bit? They'll be fine, and Lisa is pretty responsible." Homer suggested, "No! They're too young! Can't we hire maybe a babysitter? Maybe my sisters can have them over at their house for a bit..."

"What about my dad?" Homer took a sip from his can of duff beer, he shook it for every last drop inside the can until it was fully empty, he whistled, calling for Santa's little helper, their dog, to grab him another. And with a helpful bark, the dog opened the fridge and tossed him it, somehow. "Thanks!" he cracked it open and took a large sip. "You know Grandpa is at the hospital. He got into that accident!" "Oh..right." Marge sighed, it was hopeless, they might have to cancel their date after all..that is, until.. "We can send maggy to a daycare for a bit?" Homer said as he took a sip from his beer for the 3rd time already. "Hmm..that wouldn't be a bad idea.. But I don't want her staying there for three days, Homer! We'll cross that option off."Where would we cross it off at?" Marge groaned, her husband's oblivious nature got on her nerves sometimes, but she thought it was cute anyways, and that's why she loved him.

"Hey Marge, honey, look! A flier for a nanny!" "Really?" They both took a look at the flier, the words "NANNY FOR THREE DAYS, HIRE NOW OR REGRET IT" in bold letters were on the top, with a woman holding a thumbs up on it, and a few others in the back, only one man. "We could call this number and hire one! This is perfect!" Marge said happily, relived and thankful for ironic events that occurred.

"Well, I ought to at least get a job somewhere..but..wouldn't they know whom I am?.. I am a world class murderer after all..and not just that.." Bob seemed to look too highly upon himself. He was almost arrogant, you could say. He read a hiring paper and groaned. The only thing open was a nanny service.. and Bob wasn't very fond of kids, though he was good with them at least. It was the only thing open, so he used a payphone to call.

"Hello, this is Nanny wammy Business, where we take care of your child's every need, wowie zowie!" The annoyed voice of a woman rang out of the phone. She was obviously not very fond of saying that. "Hello, are you still uhm..hiring?" Bob said, though in a 'customer service voice', as some would put it.

"Yes, did you want to-" "yes, yes! When can I sign up? I don't have a resume on me, if that's a requirement. " He said, hoping that a resume wasn't required. "Nope, just gotta check with the boss aand..your hired , hooray." She atleast tried to be enthusiastic, at least..

"Ah- just.. just like that?" "We have a very low shortage, we need all the help we can get, sir. You start tomorrow." "Ah- alright..thank you very much!" "Whatever." She hung up, Bob was..somewhat happy, though not entirly..it would be easy, all he would do is take care of a child or two for a couple hours, return to his apartment he purchased not to long ago, repeat for a couple days, and get payed at the end of the week! Simple enough! Or, so he thought.

"Hello, yes.. we'd like to hire a babysitter..nany..!...Mhm..mhm..three days..oh can you not do that? Oh! Perfect, thank you!" Marge chatted with the woman on the other end as she hired a babysitter. Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa were cracking up over Krusty the clown on the TV. "Hahhaha.!!" Lisa wiped a tear from her eye. "Man, these stupid cartoons are what make life worth livin' don't you think, Lis?" Bart said with a smile on his face, basically hypnotized by The Itchy and Scratchy show. "Yup."

"Kids! Didn't I tell you I don't want you watching that horrible influencing show? It's bad for you to be watching all that violence!" Marge said, standing beside the couch whilst on hold with the other line on the phone. "Oh come on, mom..it's just a cartoon! How bad can it possibly be?"

Bart laughed. "Sigh..you kids..well, I'm hiring you guys a nanny, so-" "What? A NANNY?!" Bart yelled, jumping up from the couch as the TV blared. "Yes, and I want you to show respect to them, alright? I don't want them to think that we neglect you guys."

Maggie, playing with blocks, just made sucking noises with her pacificer, seemingly a "go ahead, mama".

"But mom- I can watch Bart and maggie for a bit! It-" "no Lisa, were going to be out for three days!" "IM GONNA BE STUCK WITH A STUPID NANNY FOR THREE DAYS?" Bart cried out, almost falling off the edge of the couch. "Bart!" Marge called, she sighed. "It'll be fine, you won't even know we're gone, and besides, I know that they'll be wonderful! We're leaving tomorrow, the nanny should be here by around 2:00, the time we'll be leaving." Bart and Lisa both rolled their eyes, and Lisa picked up Maggie to be out to bed, as it was already late. "Well, let's hope their not weird." Lisa said, walking upstarts and smiling at marge, "Goodnight mom!" Lisa called. "Night ma, night pa." Bart giggled.

Bart Simpson lay flat ontop of his bed, his hands behind his neck as he relaxed, a thought crossed his mind; wouldn't it be cool if the babysitter, or nanny, same thing..were a hero in disguise? Or an alien, that would certainly make it Intressting, maybe he can pull a few pranks on them, even. As he shut his eyes, he laughed at the thoughts that went through his mind, until he fell asleep soundly.

Bro I'm writing this at 1am I am NOT okay and I'm having hella bad cramps/stomache pain. Those takis really did a number on me man..😔 (the toilet will never be the same.)
Totally not abt to write the next chapter for a few hours till daytime rn as soon as I publish this heehehe

(1107 words)

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