I'm sorry

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Your POV

I got all better now.

I'm perfectly fine.

The surgery was done.

Nothing more to worry about.

Except Matt.

I kept ignoring whatever I do.

I haven't gotten to his apartment eversince the incident.

I didn't want this.

I promised that I'd kill him.

Each day that passed goes like this; First day- Kira, Next day- Don't kill Matt, Day after-Kira, Then- Don't kill Matt.

It's alternative.

I don't know whom I'm siding with.

I wanted to do the right thing, but I can't.

If I'd just resign and swear not to follow Kira or the detectives, I'm a threat to everyone.

I've already used all of them. I've used te detectives, and now I'm using Jasper to make Matt jealous.

What am I thinking? Matt has a girlfriend! Why'd I even expect?

"Y/N..." Matt said as I faced him

I just at him.

He kept playing his DS.

Ugh! You're talking to me while playing! Rude!

"Ugh!" I groaned as I turned to my back.

Matt kept calling my name, but I ignored him.

My problem is...Who'd I side with?

Matt's POV

I looked at ny reflection in the mirror.

I kept practicing, but the reason is just not right.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I was having lunch when the incident happened." I said, infront of the mirror.

Ugh! That won't work. It was passed lunch time when that happened.

Think of a reason, Matt.

Think of a reason, Matt.

Think of a reason, Matt!!!

Think, think, think.

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

Time flies too fast.

Think something that may work.

I have to apologize to her.

"Y/N, a million apologies. I forgot to bring my remote with me." I practiced.

No! She might tell me; 'What's the point of having one if you won't bring it with you?'. She might also say; 'You told me to call you by using that thing, how could you forgot to bring it!?'

Sigh...What now?

Maybe, I should just tell her the truth.

*Knock! Knock!*

I opened the door of my room.

Right now, Watari, my so-called 'daddy', was infront of me.

"Matt...May I come in?" He asked

"Oh, yes! Sorry!" I said as I stepped back so he could enter.

We sat on my bed, and had a Father-and-son conversation.

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