August 29 First day back Chapter 2

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"Wow Holly shit ellie do you see how many new students there is" I nod my head a little surprise I don't think we've had this many new students for a long time.

I can see all the new 7th graders running to the other side of the school trying to figure out where to go...

They remind me of when I started it school with Jassy and jille along with Isla.

Bringing my attention back i look at jille "Come on let's go we gotta find our classes" she smiles a littine bit before putting her arm around my shoulder.

"Ok right behind yeah babes" I chuckle at her comment.

As we were walking I had a little lught ball moment but not a idea.

"Jille are you even sure your suppose to be here your suppose to be with miss Julia but....I don't see her here love" she rolled her eyes playfully.

We weren't sure if she was suppose to be here today cause now we're in different classes.

And on the email the principal gave her it did not say for her to come today.

I quickly notice miss lucia she's was one of our teachers last year she's my main teacher this year.

It seemed as if she cut her hair short she was wearing a beautiful yellow dress.

The teachers at our school are honestly really pretty.

Especially Mme Lucia and Mme Julia.

As if she knew we were there she turns around and waves us over.

"Bonjour les filles!!!"

(Hello girls)

"Bonjour madame lucia" we both said at the same time while giving miss Lucia a hug.

"How was your summer guys are you excited to be back" we gave miss Lucia a look and she quickly took the hint.

"Okk" She chuckles a little "I'll take that as a no but uhm jille what are you doing her your suppose to come in tomorrow".

I started laughing loudly knowing I was right.

"HA BIATCH I TOLD YOU I KNEW IT I WAS RIGHT." I quickly yelled in her face as she groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Ok well why don't you guys go see the teachers their all inside jille you should talk to miss Julia but for today you can just be in our class" jille nodded
we talk with Miss Lucia a little more before heading inside the school.

It was pretty much empty because all the teachers are outside with their new students.

"Wanna go to the old class" I asked her.


We start walking towards all the classes.

Well our new classes look the same as last year.

Difference is I won't have miss Julia anymore and jille won't have miss lucia.

Everything is gonna change.

We see Miss Julia approaching us.

She has this big smile on her face, wearing black jeans and a cute t-shirt.

"OMG heyy girls so nice seeing yall but..uhh..jille why are you at school?" I chuckle silently looking at jille waiting for her excuse.

"Well miss see...ELAURA TOLD ME TO COME TODAY" She screams running away before i can get to her.

To say my jaw didn't drop would be a big fat lie.

that lying biatch.

"HEYYY I DID NOT YOU LIARRR" I screamed back.

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