Chapter 4

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Heyyy guys I don't really know what to say over hey so let's get back to our story.


As I'm walking down the halls showing the new students around.

I walked by the student council room and couldn't help but stop and stare.

-Flash Back-

"ISLA WHERE ARE YOU!?!" i scream as I am running around the school trying to find Isla so we can dance to our favorite song I can hear voices nearby.

And being the dumb 17 year old I am I of course follow the sound which led me to the student council room.

As I get closer I can hear their conversation it sounds like a argument.

A big one

"What the fuck do you mean your pregnant Isla you have to get rid of it that thing inside of you can ruin me"  "I am not getting rid of my baby shes a girl not a it" I put a hand over my mouth to cover the gasped that almost came out.

Not only is that Isla voice but

Also the mayor's?


I turn around quickly as I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey you okay?" I look up to see who was talking to me.

Blond hair, Brown hair

Blue ocean eyes, Brown light eyes

6'4 6'0

Two boys two very hot boys.

" Uhm yeah thanks " I'm talking to tyreek but my eyes are on Leonardo.

He nods and starts walking away, leaving me with leonardo.

I look up at Leonardo his eyes are slightly squinted shifting between me and the room behind me.

I fold my arms and shift in my position I raise my eyebrow making sure to hold the stare.

I see his eyes shift to my lips as I lick them.

"You have food in between your teeth" my jaw dropped about to walk up to him"you little-" I feel someone pull me back, grinding my teeth together as he starts walking away from me.

I stare at him while jasmine talks to him and he doesn't seem very interested in what she's talking about.

I hear snickering behind me and turn around to glare at whoever it was and I turn to see my friends and some of my classmates all together.

"Damn ellie that was some intense sexual eye contact if he didn't say anything I would've thought yall were gonna get it on infront of us" marco makes a homping movement.

I glare at Marco as the others just laugh and I can't help but laugh along with them after a few seconds.

"What a asshole lowkey tho" I say laughing a bit.

"Oh come on its pretty clear that there is some sexual chemistry there" Amiyah says and I laugh at her statement.

Ya no I dont think so atleast not anymore.

I turn back around looking at leonardo trying to figure him out i suppose.

I turn towards the group of people staring at me "Come on i still have a lot to show yall" I say as I start walking away from the group.

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