August 29 chapter 3

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I head to take a seat with jille next to me at the back row with Marco and rom next to her.

I sit down in my usual spot my eyes look to the one beisde me..the spot that used to be for Isla.

"Heya is it ok if I sit next to you?" I look up from the desk to see a girl with long blonde hair she's pretty.... for a friend of brittany.

But she was talking about Isla seat.

There is four spots next to us and never have I ever seen anyone ask me to seat here cause Isla was always there everyone knew that.

It was always us five in the back sitting next to each other.


"No sorry.. please go away this seat is taken" I quickly put my legs over the chair "by my legs sorry" I shrug my shoulders an gave her a little smile while waving her a goodbye.

I didn't mean to be so rude... but frankly i dont really care.

"Ellie....hey it's ok u can sit there" I was shocked.

"What the fuck jille tha-that's Isla's seat" clenching my jaw. I didn't want anyone next to me thats Isla's seat.

No one else's..I can feel the anger building up inside me all these months acting like everything is just normal when it isnt and it never will be.

"Ellie calm down it's ok" rom said trying to calm me down but no i wasn't gonna stay calm.

"Fuck no it's not ok you guys are acting as if Isla didn't sit there stop acting as if everything is ok cause it's not" I told them all quietly looking towards the girl "could you please seat somewhere else?".

I feel my phone vibrat in my pocket,
Taking it out I check to see who it is.

Jassy ❤️🍿: heyyyyy ellieee how is school going lmao.

I let out a little chuckle at jasmine text me knowing damn well she was doing this cause she's suppose to go to school tomorrow with jille.

Me: ha ha very funny jas yk damn well how it is fuck this place can't wait for college btw u were right jille wasn't suppose to come td lmao😭😭.

It doesn't take her long to text back.

Jassy❤️🍿: yeahhhh I know I'm always right lmao told yaaaa!!💋.

Me: yeah yeah whateva🙄😌.

I look up from my phone to see Miss Lucia clearing her throat I put my phone down as she finishes her introduction.

"Ok guys so what we're going to do is we're gonna go around the class and everyone is going to tell somethings about yourself" I nodded along side everyone else.

"Also we're missing some people they will be coming soon" I nodded my head in knowledge thinking of who it could be.

"Hm maybe it's mia" jille said leaning on her chair whispering in my ear.

"Oooo I would be so happy if it was mia I miss that little red head ooo wait maybe it's liana or maybe even Luis you know Marcos bestfriend".

"Hm maybe maybe".

"Can yall shut up the teacher is talking" I look to my side the person next to Isla desk it's the blonde girl from before.

"Ooo yall she's a feisty one" I shaked my shoulders and did a kiss motion to her while smiling.

Yeah yeah I seem very mean but I'm not I never liked that chick she's friends with Brittany as in the queen bee or as we call her the queen of all bitches.

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