An Explosive Transformation (Chapter 2)

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Flynn: "And he's already starting it!"

Rover and Peg start to shiver in terror, wondering what's gonna happened. They both honk with the same emotion.

Flynn: "I don't know what's going to happen but if we stop it now, I'll be in trouble!"

Inside Magus is channelling his magic as he is seen levitating and glowing. Godfrey watches him but he doesn't feel scared like possibly everyone else is doing right.

Godfrey: "I thought you said you were going to mediate first."

Magus: "I'm sorry, Godfrey. I have to."

Magus's closes his eyes and opens them with a bright blue glow, the aura glows brighter and brighter just like last time.

Godfrey: "Not turning back now right?"

Magus looks at Godfrey and nods in response and looks at the scraps and also like last time, curls into a ball and lets sparks and lighting around the lab. Outside the glow get's even brighter, Flynn worried about the process.

Flynn: "We gotta hide!"

Peg and Rover agree and try to find a safe spot around the area. Back in the Lab, Godfrey stands back even further as Magus is almost reaching his limits, the lightning bursts out faster and faster and the aura reaches its maximum brightness. The Objects float including the scraps that Magus is using for his project. The Shocking noise grows louder and louder, Godfrey covers himself and Flynn, Peg and Rover manage to hide inside one of the bushes until a loud boom.


Magus's massive blast sends out a huge shockwave all over the planet, the shockwave hits one of the bees, and after getting shocked by the wave, it noticed that it got fused with a krud beetle. The Wave hit the Dragonfly causing the same sequence but it was fused with a fightermite. Flynn covers himself but as the wave hits him, he'd disappeared leaving Peg and Rover in shock.

Back in the Lab, it was in a rough state like what happened back in the first attempt, while Magus is recovering, a light orb pops out of the scraps, it grabs two of the scraps and fuses them, creating a LED box. The Orb flew out of the lab and outside. Magus gets up and brushes himself, he looks at himself, seeing that he remained unchanged.

He looked at the table and sees the LED box, gasping.

Magus: "I'm intact..that means...It worked...I've done it!"

He grabs the LED box and looks at it in happiness, he thinks Project: Fuse is a success.

Magus: "LED Box! Great lighting for the hallways! Godfrey, check it out!"

As Magus turns around to show the LED Box to Godfrey, he was missing.

Magus: "Godfrey?"

He looks around the lab, he checks the rubbles, Godfrey couldn't be found. Worried, he dashes out of the lab, dropping the LED Box, he looks around the hallways, calling his name.

Magus: "Godfrey? Godfrey?"

Despite the calls, Godfrey didn't appear at all. Magus heads outside to look but when came out, he sees in shock, Bee-tles and Drackets are seen flying through the skies.

Magus: "Oh no! No! No! Not Again!"

Magus flap his wings and flew to the ground to find his son and his creations, Peg and Rover.

Magus: "Son? I knew I shouldn't send him outside."

As he searches the area, he hears the bushes making noise.

Magus: "Flynn?"

Came out of the bushes are Peg and Rover, approaching Magus in a sad and worried state.

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