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Love yah...!😘


I get off the tax after I arrived at the Company, I gawk at the well-designed building displaying Hydra Motor Company. Last time I didn't check it out because I was in rush for the interview, I admire the building once again since I look it up on the internet and learnt that this is the headquarter of the Company.

Run along girl, you are going to be late for sure. Zoe's words rang again on my mind.

"Good morning." I greet a beautiful bob haired receptionist lady.

She seemed to be tired and it's still early, poor lady.

"Morning." She greeted back without glancing up at me.

I cleared my throat to get her attention "Miss Richard."

She looks up at me "Yes.... ooh my gosh. PYL you are back?" She gasped excitedly and I look behind and I found no one is behind me.

I point at myself asking her "PYL?"

She ignored my confusion, standing up and asked smiling "What are you doing here PYL?"

"Mr. Howard called yesterday and informing me that am hired." I told her smiling.

She squealed "Congratulation sweetheart, welcome to Hydra Motor Company." She said dramatically causing few workers who were entering to give us weird looks.

"Your ID will be processed soon and when Mr. Howard arrives, I think I'll fill you up with the instructions or he'll do himself cause well... I was unaware of you... you know arrival. He's late for the first time but I am sure soon he'll be here." She chirped happily before I appreciate her kindness.

I smiled at her with the same energy "Thank you Miss Richard, um what's PYL?" I asked confusedly

She smiled sheepishly "It's for pretty young lady, sorry for the immediate nickname's short code. You are such pretty young lady." She spoke

Wooow, so am that pretty huh.

"It's a pretty nickname, don't be sorry." I smile blushed at her remark, and she released her breath which I didn't notice she held.

"Yes, and it's for pretty young ladies like you." She sings it.

"Oh, and before I forgot, Mr. Howard's office is at 10th floor and if you remember very well it's at the end of the corridor at room number 10 and honey just call me Irene." She added while sitting down.

She is so chatty; I like her already.

"Thank you miss... I mean Irene. I'll see you later, wish me luck." I smiled back.

"Don't worry sweetheart you already have luck." She giggled and I chuckled at her statement.

I took an elevator and press the 10th floor, no one get in it until I reached to the 10th floor. Kind of a little bit strange but I shake the thought off and I walked off it when reaching Mr. Howard's floor. I received weird looks from the workers who get off the other elevators.

Did I do something wrong or am just a new face.?

Who's she.? Doesn't she know the rules? She seems to be new. They whispered enough for me to hear their conversation.

I put on my best professional smile and throw them a polite morning; others mumble back the greeting.

"Is there something wrong with the elevator?" I whisper to myself walking along the corridor.

"Nothing is wrong tiny belle." A deep voice behind me made me almost jump from my skin. Before I look behind, I felt a person's presence beside me.

Tiny belle? What's with the nicknames in this Company.?

I glanced at my right and greeted a man who seem to be in his late twenty I think "Good morning, Sir........."

I ignored the tiny belle nickname and gawking at him, he's a tall handsome one with a dark almost black hair, light brown eyes, pouty lips and perfect physique in a dark blue suit. Kind of gorgeous not as Mr. Howard but he's good too, uugh don't think about Mr. Rude.

Is he a model of the Company.?

"Morning to you too, thank you for the compliment but am not a model of the Company." He flashed a charming smile at me displaying her pearl white teeth and I blushed from embarrassment.

Way to go girl, you said it out loud.

"We are arrived." A voice interrupted my thought.

"Huh!?" I knotted my eyebrows together staring up at him.

He chuckled "Mr. Howard's office." He said motioned at the office on my left side. I look at the direction he pointed at, and I felt dumb.

"Oh, thank you Sir......."

"Richard, call me Richard." He smiled.

"Thank you, Richard." I smiled back.

"Worry out, ladies first." He said opening the door for me with a key and I got inside. I stared the office because it changed a bit, there's addition of another set of chair and table and has my name on it.

Wait, do I have two bosses. Why does he have a key?

"Morning babe, why are you late?" Richard's voice snaps me out before I could ask about it and I turned around to find Mr. Howard at the door shot daggers at Richard.

When did he.....!?


The important question is  why does he look mad!?


Hi guys, what do you think about the chapter.?

Don't forget to vote please.

Love❤, Honeyrose2020

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