Chapter 5 "Do you like your birthday?"

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From the author:
After that day, Dima became extremely easy. He recovered. The injections were good, not love with Lazarev. But how long will your health last?


December 23, 2007.
Evening, 19:17.
Our Seryozha disappeared somewhere on the streets of sinister Petersburg. Well, how he disappeared. He was handing out leaflets, after all.. Tomorrow is his lover's birthday. It was atmospheric and beautiful outside. Children frolicked on the playgrounds. Snow swirled falling from the murky orange sky. The demand was great. But why? The author forgot to mention that after a couple of months after recording the song, the guys released it. And Lazarev soared in popularity without knowing it. He had no idea of his own page in VK and other social networks. I didn't watch TV either. But every passerby took a leaflet and asked for an autograph. Sometimes, he was even tipped. Lazarev was very pleased to be recognized and so on, but he didn't understand what was going on, so he just turned on the fool. After handing out two bundles of leaflets, he went to the authorities. I've already received my money there. In total, 5 thousand rubles came out. There were more than 3 thousand rubles in my pocket. Enough for two wedding rings! Tired of the edge, the boy went to the store of a friend. There he bought the rings, they gave him a plus discount.

— Hello, Uncle Vanya! How are you? How is the business going? Uhh.. I haven't seen you for a hundred years, do you remember me at least?  Seryozha smiled at his friend.

— Wow! A star has come to me, it's interesting! Of course I remember, Seryozhenka, how is your father doing? Why did you come at such a time? — a man, about forty years old, came out behind the counter and hugged the boy.

— Ohm.. Uncle Van, I ran away from my father. He's already done me in. And his fate is unknown to me. By the way, why is everyone calling me a star? What did I do? I came for the wedding rings. It is necessary for a gift.

— How did he leave? My boy, you did the right thing, your dad is a fucking alcoholic. If you don't know why it's a star, I won't tell you, then you'll understand for yourself. But where do you live? Who are you going to give rings to? — the seller was surprised

— I'm afraid to say who I live with. It's dangerous, and they won't understand at all, they'll think I'm crazy. Rings.. Yes, it doesn't matter," the student grinned while choosing rings.

"For that matter, I won't question you. I'll give you a discount then, for two thousand. After all, the gift is expensive, and you are a minor. But how are you going to get married?

— Don't worry about that, we'll wait until we come of age.. You can have those two rings over there. They really fell into the soul," the young singer admired the decoration.

— They cost ten thousand, do you really have that kind of money? Although.. If at a discount, then eight.. But still, where will you get them.

— I have eight thousand, — with these words, the brunette laid out the money on the table, — I have been working every day since the beginning of September.. And so, as you can see, I have earned so much.

— You amaze me, Lazarev! Apparently you really love your girlfriend! What's her name at least?  Ivan asked, handing over the rings in a small red box.

— Thanks for the discount, Uncle Van! I'll come back sometime.. Call.. His name is Dima Bilan, huh," said the joyful kid running home.

The seller was very surprised, he thought that Seryozha was joking. But how wrong he was. A blizzard was already beginning to rage on the street. A pink tinge appeared on the boy's cheeks. Wearing mittens and a cap on a misalignment, the student ran into the entrance. The boy was out of breath, he should have been home for at least twenty minutes. Fear of course pressed Lazarev's condition, but he held on. After going up to the fifth floor, he went into the apartment. Bilan was standing on the threshold, he doesn't look angry. But the younger one rushed to apologize.

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