Chapter Three

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Upon entering Weathervane, Enid tripped up and fell right on her face, and all Wednesday did was stand there, a small smile on her face. She never usually found things funny, until it came to people being hurt, even so, it wasn't that funny because it was her friend, Enid.

"Ow!" Enid whined, standing up and brushing herself off. "Wow, you don't even care that I got hurt! Shows how much of a friend you are." She pouted, crossing her arms and looking away from Wednesday. Wednesday didn't care that Enid was doing this, in face, it was so normal that she could just continue on without thinking she was mad at her. "Oh, come on! I'm your friend. You're supposed to ask if I am alright."

"Are you okay?" Wednesday replied with a sarcastic, cold tone, like always. Enid rolled her eyes, continuing to walk through the little walkway and into a booth, sitting on the opposite side of Wednesday. "Why have you stopped speaking? Talk. It's awkward." Wednesday admitted to feeling a weirdness when there is silence with Enid.

"I thought you didn't want me to talk, Weds." Enid gave Wednesday a nickname, and the goth girl felt her cheeks warm up and turn a light shade of pink, something Enid noticed. "Wednesday, are you.. blushing?" She shook her head quickly at that accusation, mumbling a flustered excuse.

"No, obviously not. I don't 'blush', it's a sign of weakness." Wednesday said, slightly slipping on her words, the possibility of being flustered over Enid's words irked her. It was a horrible, yet sensational feeling. "Anyways, lets order our drinks." She called over one of the waiters/waitresses, who came over rather quickly. They both ordered their drinks.

Enid had ordered a very sweet tea, while Wednesday had ordered a quad. Tyler came into her mind, and as he did, a text message had made her phone vibrate, she took it in her hands and saw a message from that unknown number. Wednesday's facial expression sort of faltered, and a worried look appeared on her face. It was a picture of Enid and her in the cafe, but Enid was crossed out in red.

"Are you okay, Wednesday?" Enid asked, worried for her gothic friend as she looked around the outside. Wednesday looked at Enid and nodded. She didn't want to worry her, since she cared about Enid quite a lot. "Are you sure? You just got a text message and started acting really weird." Enid was clearly sceptical, enough for her to think that what Wednesday was weird. She has always been weird to Enid, but that weirdness has been something that made her like her more.

"I'm fine, Enid. Don't worry." Wednesday responded, looking at Enid with her wide eyes through her eyelashes. That always intimidated Enid, and she just looked nervous at the eye contact. Enid looked away quickly, but soon came the waiter/waitress with their drinks. Wednesday paid them, and they both thanked them.

"You don't have to pay for me, Wednesday." Enid said, a smile on her face that Wednesday would spend money on her. Wednesday gave her a cold glare again. "Sorry- sorry." She giggled, looking out the window and seeing Ajax. "Oh no." Enid's face sort of just dropped, and Wednesday tilted her head, a bit confused at the sudden mood change, though it wasn't obvious on her face.

"What's wrong?" Wednesday asked Enid, and then there was an opening of the door. She looked behind her and it was Ajax, who had clearly been looking for his girlfriend. "Oh, him." She said, slightly relieved that it wasn't anything too bad. "It's not that bad, Enid." Wednesday told her, trying to make her feel better, but as long as she didn't break up with Ajax while she was here, she didn't have to worry about feeling awkward.

"Hey, Enid- Wednesday." Ajax said with a wave as he walked over. There was a huge grin on his face, and he was holding something behind his back. "Enid, I got you something!" He said, a nervous tone was noticed in his voice.

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