48| I'mposter

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May 7th, 2005 (18 years ago)

"His client used teeth again," Namjoon says, tone grim.

"Tae can barely walk. Someone will have to carry him over the fence."

I try to subdue my anger but I grab the hem of Tae's shirt. "I'll hold you. We'll leave together. The priests are drunk on the $25 I made tonight. It's the perfect time to escape."

Everyone nods, and Taehyung slaps my back, a little too hard. "I love you, Jungkook. You're my valentine."

He grins at me and I sigh, knowing he was being serious. Tae was always like that to me. Too affectionate and naive.

"Can you at least stand brother?"

He stands, barely, and tries to take a step forward but groans. "My balls are on fire. I feel like a freaking canyon. Like I'm about to launch my nut-"

"Sit for now," I cut him off, turning to the others. "Everyone wears black. We'll leave after the night check tonight. Junghyun leads. Me and Tae will follow."

They nod. And we each head back to our dorms, ready to fake sleep.

For a moment, my thoughts drift to Y/N. Where was she? Was she safe? Was she at home, or did they trap her here? I have a bad feeling about her because she and her mother Anya have been missing for weeks.

I was terrified of escaping. Last year when we tried to escape, my shoelaces got stuck to a railway track.

I was scared to death, screaming for my life until a train—it wasn't exactly a hardcore train but it was something close. A light-rail? Yeah, that was it. A light rail. 

I don't remember what happened when the light rail came, because when it did, I had very much died.

The pain came not in waves but in a lightening of a million forth of heart-ripping pain. It's a miracle I'm still alive but at least that was the worst of all.

When the time comes, I realize, it's way too hard to get Tae to walk. We hadn't even made it out of his dorm.

We could go a lot faster but Tae dragged both his feet and it made the floors screech.

"I swear to God. You're walking like a troll. At least hold your breath."

He actually holds his breath and I sigh. "I didn't actually mean that, you dumbass."

Tae blinks at me dumbfounded. "Oh so I can breathe?"

I shut my eyes in frustration, closing the door behind me. "Just don't talk alright? Focus on moving your legs without touching your balls."

"Okay," he mumbles. "Okay I think I got it." I watch as he spreads his legs all the way apart, still holding onto me as he walks a lot faster.

He looks like a crab.

"Good," I blink, staring straight ahead. "Now let's get the crab out of here."

And we do. The others wait for us by the fence, helping me and Tae up the rope before we manage our way on the other side.

"Now what?" Namjoon asks. "Should we part ways or what?"

"Holy crab," Junghyun says, and we all turn to him. His eyes are wide in realization. "What, did you finally crab your pants?"

Taehyung groans in the background. "Can we stop with the crab jokes?"

I turn to Junghyun, sensing the tension in his face. "What is it, Hyung?"

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