03| Venomous

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You're breathing like a freaking Darth Vader.

The sky above you darkens as the ebony-haired man sends you a look that could no doubt freeze hell.

He has his hands folded to his chest, bangs fluttering against the wind as he takes in your desperate figure dangling down the other side of the railing.

With your vulnerability showcased before him, you can only pray he doesn't shove your body down into the indigo water. You're fortunate Jungkook hasn't yet.

He simply watches you with mocking amusement as you clasp over the rod like your life depends on it. It really does.

One slip, and you'll be swallowed up into the gloomy depths of the water whose sullen colors look almost like venom—ready to engulf you into a monstrous creature. You shake your head. Now is not the time to get delusional.

You proceed to make tiny movements to the left, hoping you'll successfully end up on the other side of the bridge where you can make yourself visible to some soul out there that can help—that is, if you find one.

"You're wasting time," Jungkook says tonelessly, "Just give up."

You open your mouth to reply but you let out a shriek when your body jerks down and you grip tighter onto the railing.

"Shit," you hear Jungkook curse, his voice slightly closer. You look up to find him leaning in, eyes taking in every inch of you.

"Seriously, Red, quit it," he warns, voice edging with the slightest amount of concern, "You'll die down there."

"So now you care," you say, feeling cold sweat drip down your temple.

You hear the man snort.

"Not you. The file. I need the file. Besides, I'm not letting you drown. That's freaking dumb. I've planned a better form of torture."

This damned sadistic bastard...

You fight the urge to not crawl back up and knee him in the crotch so his wish on having kids is ruined. But anyway, it doesn't look like he'd want any.

"Piss off," you say, gritting your teeth as you try to hold tighter, but due to your sweaty palms, you feel your body leisurely drawing downwards.

You look up at him. "Are you going to help me, you asshole?"

His eyes glimmer with dark mirth. "Are you going to give me the file?"

"Um," you think about it. "No but can you still help me? I'll give you 5 bucks."

He stares at you, and you could have sworn one corner of his lips twitch. "Listen, Red. Hand me the file. I'll help you up."

And then kill you? Yeah, no. Not happening.

"Trust me, I would rather drown."

His grip tightens over the railing. "It wasn't a request. Hand over the damn file or I'll drown you myself."

You gulp. "Drown me," you challenge him.

His eyes slightly glow down at you with surprise before he scoffs at you. "You clearly have no idea who I am, Red, do you?"

"Oh yes I do," you retort immediately. "You're batman. You come out at night to rescue the city."

He stares at you like you're on crack. Maybe you are.

"Keep running that mouth, Red, and I'll run something down your throat you won't like."

Now that makes your heart dribble like a horse. "I...I think I'm going to---" Cum? Pass out? Jesus Christ, Y/N. You're not built strong enough for this.

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