Letters that should be addressed to the fire | Chapter 1

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-Ron's POV-

I had no idea what I was doing, maybe I should address them to the fire instead? If anyone found out it was me, they'd laugh. What would Harry and Hermione think? I already know they think I'm pathetic, I don't wanna prove them right. But still I folded up the letter and stuffed it in an envelope, then addressed it "Dear Reader". I nervously placed it under the couch cushion in the Gryffindor common room, then snuck back upstairs to head back to bed. "Ron?" Harry was awake, wondering where I had wandered off to. "Yeah?" We we're both whispering so we wouldn't wake our other roommates. "What are you doing awake?" He questioned. "What are you doing awake?" I reply, he looks unimpressed. "I woke up and you were gone, I... I got... worried." He looked a little embarrassed. "I was just going to the bathroom.." I lie. "Why not use the bathroom 10 feet from your bed?" Who is he, Hermione? "I don't know" I really don't know. Luckily he just laughed it off. I brushed off the awkwardness and got into my bed. Hopefully he never brings it up ever again.

I woke up the next morning, today the announce everyone completing in the triwizard tournament. Harry was already gone, that's weird. I get ready as quick as I can and head downstairs for breakfast. "Hey Harry, you woke up pretty early." I sit next to him, Hermione is across from us both. "We are ready to announce the triwizard champions" Dumbledore announced. He had said that if they were called to head to the room behind him. "The triwizard champion of Durmstrang is... Victor Krum!" Everyone clapped and many Durmstrang students patted him on the back and chanted "Krum", than Victor headed to the back room. "The triwizard champion of Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour!" Everyone clapped once again, and many of the Beauxbatons high-fived her before she made her way to the back room. "The triwizard champion of Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory!" Everyone clapped, and Hufflepuffs were the loudest happy that their house is finally getting its time to shine. "That is all- huh?" Dumbledore was confused because the goblet shot out another piece of paper and all the names were already called.

"Harry Potter!" Everyone looked either confused, horrified, or they just laughed like it was a joke. "Harry, what the bloody hell?" I turned to him shocked. Before he could say anything, "Harry Potter, come up here." He walked over to Dumbledore, Hermione had her hand over her mouth with a shocked face. I just got up and left, this couldn't be happening. "Ron?" Hermione called me. "I need some air" I reply, leaving the Great Hall. I had wandered off around the castle, I didn't know where I planned on going. All I knew is that I need to get out of there, I ended up finding the room of requirement. I walked in, this room was always the best place to hide because it doesn't show up on the Marauders Map. They'll take forever to find me, or so I hoped. I laid on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. How the hell did his name get in the bloody goblet? Even Fred and George couldn't get their names in, and they're pretty darn creative.

It had been a couple of hours and I had fallen asleep to be woken by a hand resting on my face. "Ron?" Hermione called my name, trying to wake me up. "Is he completing?" I ask. "Yes, he has to." She answered. "Is he bloody well mad?" I reply. "His name came out of the goblet, he can't back down." She defended. "If it's dangerous they shouldn't make it so you can't back out. He shouldn't of put his name in anyways." I say angrily. "He swore he didn't put his name in, Ron." She replied. "We don't know that. Maybe he just wanted more time in the spotlight." Ron says unsure. "Don't we?" She replied. "Look Ron, I know you're not entirely honest with me and Harry about your feelings" Ron panicked, luckily those weren't the feelings she meant. "I know you wish you had the spotlight once and awhile, I can see it in your face." She put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Ron, you're just as special as Harry. Because you do just as much as both of us without even getting the spotlight once. You don't always get the credit. The chessboard first year, the spiders second year, defending Harry on a injured leg last year. You can't see it, but me and Harry do." She gave me a hug, and I hugged her back. Tears in my eyes, "Thanks, Mione." I flashed a crooked smile.

"Come on" she grabbed my arm leading me back to the Gryffindor common room. The room was full of confused whispers, and Harry was no where to be seen. "He's upstairs" Hermione whispers. I head upstairs to the boys dorms, and Hermione walks to the girls dorms. "So, what the bloody hell happened?" I asked very lost. "I don't know" he reply's. I shake my head and just lay down on my bed. "Are you seriously mad at me?" He crosses his arms. I just pull the blankets over my head. "You're being ridiculous" He says getting a little heated, I continue to ignore him. "Ron, what the hell?" He sounds even more heated. "Come on Ron, don't be like this." Silence. "Ron!" Silence. For someone who grew up with 6 siblings, I could be silent for quite a long while. "Please, Ron!" He just got angrier. I didn't wanna talk about it right now, and when I didn't wanna talk about something I didn't talk about it. There is no way to get me to talk about something when I don't want to. "Fine!" He angrily stomps out of the room and heads downstairs. I just sigh and drift off to sleep for the night.

Dear Reader | Ron Weasley and Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now