Betrayal | Chapter 2

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-Harry's POV-

I don't get why Ron's so mad at me, I would obviously never put my name in the cup on purpose. Hermione tries to explain why he's upset, but I'm still mad because he shouldn't be mad at me. He should just be my friend again like before. I sit angrily on the couch, so angrily throwing myself on it I drop the little trinket Ron gave me under the cushion next to the one I'm sitting on. I miss Ron, he had given me the trinket last year, he gotten it for me from Hogsmeade. I lift the cushion and grab the trinket, and there's a letter beside it that says "Dear Reader" on it. I open it up curiously, and read it.


Dear Reader,

This is weird, you're probably wondering what this is. The truth is I don't know what this is, I honestly just need someone to talk to. I can't really talk to my friends, I don't think they'd understand. They're both perfect, one is bloody brilliant and a very powerful witch, the other is better at everything and so damn attractive and perfect. I just always feel incompetent and like I'm not good enough or I need to live up to them, I already feel that way at home since I have so many siblings that are all better than me. Anyways I hope maybe you'll understand how lonely I am? I don't know, maybe writing a total stranger letters could be something regular I do? I guess you'll have to wait and see.

Sincerely, Anonymous.


Maybe this person should talk to Ron, cause Ron acts like this is how his life is. Honestly, I'm more hurt than angry with Ron. Ron had always been important to me, I'm in love with the damn bloke. A part of me just wants to slap him, and another just wants to jump in him arms full on crying and beg him to be my friend again because I can't live without him. Merlin, I'm such a sap. I head back upstairs, Ron doesn't even acknowledge me entering the room. I put the letter in the chest at the foot of my bed. I wonder if he's actually asleep or just ignoring me, probably both. He can give me a cold shoulder all he wants, cause I'm not gonna give up. I get changed, set my glasses on my nightstand, and crawl into bed and close the curtain. I hear a sigh from Ron's side of the room, he's definitely awake dumb bloke. I just turn over and shut my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Ron is already gone. I sigh and get ready for the day, then head downstairs for breakfast. I sit across from Hermione, she looks over at me already knowing what I'm going to ask. "Ron already had breakfast, he's gone outside. Just give him some time he'll get over it." I just eat my breakfast, he better get over it or I might just hex him. Hermione finishes breakfast and leaves to head to class early like always. I finish eating and talk to Neville, atleast someone doesn't look at me like I'm insane. I'm pretty sure Hermione is on Ron's side considering she's sitting with him, I'm not surprised considering she definitely secretly likes him. I don't know what I'll do if they ever get together, I don't know if I could handle it. Hermione's great, she's a good friend, but I don't know if I could be happy for them atleast at first. Wow, I'm a pretty shitty friend. Their my friends, I should want them to be happy, I don't know if I could handle seeing him happy with someone who isn't me. I'll just have to force myself to or pretend I guess.

I decided to just let Ron throw his tantrum and grabbed my school books and headed off to class. I sat with Hermione because Ron decided to be an arse and sit with Neville instead. Why is he being like this, is it to drive me crazy? Cause it's working, and I'm going insane without the bloke. "He'll come around." Can Hermione read minds now or what? "Staring at him won't make it happen any faster" she laughed. Shit was I staring? "I- I'm nOt staring!" I scowl. She just laughs, why does she insist on being right all the time. So what if I was staring? I always stare at him, what's new? I just dropped my head on the desk, Ron better get over this soon. Luckily it's just professor Binns, he doesn't care if I sleep considering he's so bloody boring everyone in class even Hermione sleeps. You know he's boring when even Hermione hates his class. I've lost track of the amount of times she's complained that he isn't enthusiastic enough, probably because I don't listen to her sometimes.

Luckily class has finally ended and we have Mcgonagall next, she's most of Gryffindor's favourite even if she's strict. I walk to class with Hermione, we barely talk without Ron present. Honestly, Hermione's great and all but she's not the same as Ron. Mine and Ron's friendship is different than my friendship with Hermione. Me and Ron always have fun, we rarely chat about books, school, and really anything that Hermione likes to talk about. We spend more time laughing, talking about quidditch, talking about stuff we have in common. We also have a lot more in common, than me and Hermione. I feel closer to Ron than Hermione and not just because I have a slightly gigantic crush on Ron, but because we're so similar. I love Hermione, she's my best friend too. But a part of me will always love Ron more, something I could never tell Hermione because I don't want to hurt her. She knows me and Ron are closer even if we continuously say we're all very close. The first time she had told us she knew we were closer was during our fight over the firebolt last year. She has mentioned it a few times here and there but I just brushed it off, saying she's wrong for once. Why does she always have to be right?

At least today is going by fast, probably because I've been sleeping most of the day. But our next class is with Snape who isn't even most Slytherin's favourite professor. I hate Snape as much as I hate Malfoy, both are bloody awful. "I see someone finally pulled you and Weasley out of each other's arms, maybe you'll both finally pay attention." He always talks in that grading snarky tone, I'm not in the mood to deal with him today. I never am, but it's worse without Ron. Sadly I can't sleep in Snape's class or I'd get detention for the whole bloody year. Snape would have me live in detention if he could, miserable bastard. Honestly he and Malfoy better not push me too far today, because I will snap.

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