Afterglow | Chapter 3

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-Ron's POV-

I woke up early and everyone else was still asleep, I checked under the couch cushions to see that the letter was gone. I decided to write another letter and put it back under the couch cushion, and head back to bed since it was so early. Harry was awake when I came back upstairs, but I just ignored him and got into bed. "Are you ever gonna talk to me?" He said gently. I sat up in my bed and looked at him, "you could've told me, but I guess you'd rather hide it from me. You probably hide a lot of things." I spat out hastily. "I didn't do it I swear, it had to have been Vol- You-Know-Who." Harry got up and sat on the foot of my bed. "I just want my friend back." He put his hand on mine. "Just... Just promise me, you didn't do it" I looked him in the eye. "I promise, Ron. I would never willingly put myself in danger, you know that." He had moved closer, we were always super close. "You're right, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry, Harry." I did know it... I was mostly jealous, I wish I didn't have to try so hard to be worth even looking at.

Harry doesn't have to try to be special, he's always special. He's so effortlessly fucking perfect. Not only that but I think I just wanted a reason not to be so fucking in love with him, if I pushed him away he wouldn't be able to hurt me. I don't know if I could survive him leaving me, or rejecting me. I'm so in love with him it hurts, I'll never be good enough for him though. Next to hm and Hermione, I am nothing... Nothing. He laid next to me and looked at me, he always saw me more clearly than anyone else ever had, "It's okay, I'm just glad to have you back." He hugs me and lays his head on my chest, I wrap my arms around him. "I'm glad to have you back too." I smile, looking down at him. I just hope he's too exhausted to notice how fast my heart is beating right now. He shortly falls asleep and I just watch in awe.

I hope he never finds out how I feel, because he'd definitely never want to see me again. I don't know how I'd ever even tell him that I'm in love with him, seems damn ridiculous to bother since he'd never feel that way. I just enjoy little moments like these, when I can just sit in awe of him and he doesn't notice it. These little moments mean everything to me, if only they'd last forever. It's not very long after until I fall asleep too, and it feels like a blink of an eye and the sun is up again. "Sorry" Harry says as I open my eyes. "For what" I say looking down at him, he still had him head on my chest. "For falling asleep, I should've went back to my own bed" we both had blush on our faces at this point. "It's fine, Harry. I don't mind" I really didn't mind, I could hold him in my arms forever. Why do I have to feel this way about my best friend. I guess I could be worse off I guess, at least my best friend's not Malfoy. I'd have to throw myself off the astronomy tower then, maybe even crucio myself a couple times as well.

I've always felt way different with Harry than I ever have with anyone else. Hermione's my best friend and all, but she's more of a sister than a best friend. Both me and Harry say she's our big sister even though she's not a lot older than us, only a few months. The three of us are close, but it's different with Harry. Harry isn't like a brother, he's always been a different type of best friend. The kind that makes you wonder what the hell I did before I met him, and how I'd survive without him, The kind you want to spend the rest of your life with... To grow old with, and spend your life with. There's just something about his eyes, his smile, his laugh, his sarcasm, his sense of humour, it all just makes me want to hold him forever. I know I shouldn't be in love with my best friend, but man there's just something about being in love with your best friend.

"I guess we should head to breakfast..." Harry sat up, and got out of the bed. "Yeah.." I got up and we both got ready. We never faced each other, we always faced the wall out of awkwardness. We would sometimes small talk, but today was pretty quiet. It was quieter than usual, they didn't even talk on the way to the great hall. "Glad to see you two have finally made up." Hermione rolled her eyes, glaring my way. Harry glared back at her, taking my side over Hermione's side which is actually his own side technically. Harry always makes me feel special, important, like I'm actually seen. I don't deserve him, why does he even want to be my friend? I'm completely inferior. I'm not like Harry or Hermione, or my family, I'm just Ron. Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter's best friend, Younger brother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and older brother to Ginny Weasley. I'm just another Weasley, the least important one, the one that nobody cares about, nobody except Harry. Harry Potter the boy who lived, the chosen one, the kid with the lightning bolt scar on his forehead, Voldemorts nemesis, to everyone else. Harry who snores, snorts when he laughs, Harry who sees him, like really sees him. He's not just someone's brother, or another Weasley. To Harry he is someone, he is something. Harry sat across from Hermione and I sat right next to him, we both filled our plates with food.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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