Mission gone wrong

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Crime never sleeps, and neither do ninja. This time it was a break in at a remote chemical lab just out of the city, a group of criminals were hoping to start a biological warfare on the entire island. However they were interrupted when the six heroes of the city burst in, ready to tear the place apart. "I can't let them get near the biggest tank!" However I could use some leftover gas bags, they might end up being unable to fight crime anymore once I'm done with them." The leader of the gang said to himself smirking.

The ninja split up, Kai, Cole and Jay fought off most of the criminals while Zane, Lloyd and Morro snuck behind to neutralize the tank.

The three moved quickly and quietly to the men guarding the tank, "Lloyd, Morro take the men on the right, I'll take the men on the left." Zane commanded, looking at other two ninja as they nod in silent agreement. The trio attacked not hearing the buzzing coming from the tank behind them, until they felt small cold objects pierce their skin.

The ninja fell to the ground, trying to get the objects out of their skin as their vision began to become blurry. They groaned as they tried to stand, what ever they were jabbed with was making them lose consciousness and fast. Smirking at a job well done, the gang leader dragged the three elemental masters into a hidden room while their boyfriends were to busy fighting to notice.

"Massive changes are about to go down, quite literally anyways. Very soon you will forget what it's like to even have legs." He cackled, giving their soft asses a pat. "Ah, looks like they're starting to take effect."

They softly whined as their clothes began to tighten around their slowly growing bodies, much to the gang leaders excitement. "Should we speed up the process sir?" A goon asked walking over to him. "Speed the process up as much as you can, I want them to be nothing but immobile balloons, then I want to have some fun with them later~" the leader said with a purr in his voice, walking away hearing their clothes rip at the seams. He walked out of the room seeing the other ninja take down the last of his goons.

"Zane how is it going with you three?" The lightning ninja asked through a communicator around his wrist, but all he got in response was dead air.

"That's not good, where could they have gone?" Kai demanded, looking at his teammates.

"We don't know, they could have been captured by some of the men or being tortured right now for all we know. "Cole said.

"Well I'm not going to sit around I'm going to find my Lloydie!" The fire ninja snarled brandishing his sword. "There's got to be a hidden room here somewhere!"

Jay and Cole checked around for any Trace of their boyfriends, however they could hear a loud hissing noise coming from behind a wall. "I think they are in there! I bet they are being attacked by vicious vipers with all the hissing going on!"

However that wasn't what was going on, the missing trio were inflating even quicker with the gang filling them up with the gas from the huge tank. "you see I was planning on inflating the entire city, but the gas was only enough to last a few hours. But with you three, it might just last forever!" The leader cackled. With three loud tears white, green and dark green fabric fell to the floor. Loud whining and squeaking could be hear through the entire building.

The three now naked ninja began to whine as their limbs began to sink into their bodies as they continued to grow, bodies pressing into one another, they felt a sharp pain as the commutators on their wrists snapped off, their cheeks puffing up making their lips into a pout. Kai tried to break the door down but something was stopping it from the other side. "Cole try to rip the door off it's hinges!" Kai yelled to Cole backing away from the door as Cole stepped up grabbing the door and ripping it off about to go through when he hit something soft slightly hard.

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