Clouse's Past

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The time twins, Krux and Acronix were standing between the ninja, two senseis, one pissed off cult leader and a shaking injured warlock who they were trying to heal. "Do any of you understand what he went through his whole life?!" The elder twin snapped, "you all probably think your lives were worse but you're wrong!" 

"Why don't we show you what happened then!" The twins yelled at the same time, lifting the time blades as a vortex surrounded the group pulling them into the past, Clouse's past, leaving the twins and warlock behind.

The temporal vortex opened someplace else and spat the group out, they laid on the black sand for what felt like hours but were only out for a few minutes.

The ninja groaned as they slowly awoke, finding themselves back on the Dark Island. "Haven't seen this place in years, and I was hoping it would stay that way." Kai remarked as he got back up on his feet. "You guys all okay?"

 "I.. I think so, thanks Kai." Lloyd mumbled, holding onto his boyfriend. "Where are we? Or I guess, when are we?"

They thought back to what the Time Twins said before, how they didn't know the whole story about Clouse’s past. "If they brought us here, that guy's life must have been pretty messed up." The green ninja added. "Do you think his past self is on this island too?"

The rest of the ninja could only hope not, they were in no mood for a fight after such a bumpy ride into the past. "According to my database we're in the year 1853, only three years after Sensei Wu was born. Was this when Clouse came to be? He looks quite young for someone who's over a hundred years old." Zane explained.

"Must be his dark magic stopping him from getting older."

They looked up when they heard shouting, "I'm killing this monster!" A man yelled, running past them with a newborn baby in his arms.

"No, please! He's our son!" A woman yelled, limping after her husband as a blood trail followed behind her, the group were horrified. Without thinking Wu ran so fast that he slammed right into the man, watching the mother grab the baby. His eyes widened when he saw how it looked. One leg was normal but the other was twisted with four toes in the front of it's foot and a one in back, " what the hell ?" Wu thought of backing away from the mother before rushing back to the others. 

"Brother, are you okay, you seem pale?" Garmadon asked with worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine, it's just the child, it's deformed almost…"

"Deformed? He looks just fine to me." The elder brother remarked as he watched the mother tend to her infant. "What did he look like?"

"His right leg.. It looked more like a talon with how mangled it was, one toe was on his heel and he had only four on his foot. I don't know how it happened, but with the way that man was talking he must have been born with it." Wu didn't want to think about it too hard, especially since thinking about abnormal limbs made him squeamish.

"Wait, I recall Clouse had a cast on his right leg for a couple months. When I asked what happened he just responded with a fracture... I think that baby is him." Garmadon realized. "His poor mother, she must have had to fight for his life."

The ninja were surprised too, they didn't expect Clouse’s life to start off this badly. Especially with how much of a threat he's become in the present. "Where's his dad? I mean, he does have one, right?"

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