Chapter Five: A Spider's Web

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⚠️  A/N: I updated the cast list! Make sure to check that out for a visual reference of all the important characters I introduce along the way. Happy reading! ❤️


Normani's POV

It is now July of the year of our Lord, 1868. It's only been two months since my experience with Miss Megan. I know it was wrong and sinful, but I simply couldn't resist. It was as if every part of my body and soul wanted her touch. While it lasted, I felt alive, more alive than I have ever felt. But now, Miss Megan has returned to her home and I'm left with only my memories and guilt.

I sinned and I know it. Every Sunday since, I have gone to church and prayed for forgiveness. I prayed that I yield not to such infernal temptations again. But I fail sometimes. Now that such unearthly forces have been unleashed, I've found myself thinking unholy thoughts about other women. I must resist for the sake of my own soul.

I dare not tell anyone about these experiences and feelings. Not even Ryan, my closest friend, can I divulge this too. Now I feel sad and alone. I can't help it.

My father has been mentioning Trevor Rhodes a lot more recently. He's due back from an extensive trip abroad soon. I am to meet my future husband for the first time. I wish I could feel more enthusiasm about this. But I can't.

I can't blame my father, he only wishes me to marry well. The fortunes of my father's family have waned in recent years and he only wishes to restore the status of his children by having them marry. I can only hope to be happy in this marriage to a man I've never met. Though I'm not sure if I can ever be happy married to any man.

Two weeks ago, Father took Rennie and I to see a production of a new play called, of all things, "Play" by playwright Thomas William Robertson. It was a grand night. We dressed in our finest gowns and garments, and took the carriage to the Prince of Wales Theatre on Charlotte Street.

All was fine that summer evening, until the intermission. As we mingled in the lobby with the other theatre goers, I spotted Miss Megan. The object of my runaway passion was on the other side of the lobby speaking to some upper class woman I did not recognize. My heart, as of its own accord, started to beat furiously upon seeing her. What I saw next quickly dragged my spirits back to earth.

The woman Miss Megan was with seemed to be a young woman of my age. She had light brown hair, a nice figure, and rather large breasts, which my eyes quickly became glued to like magnets. She was standing close to Miss Megan, but she said little.

For a moment, I watched her eye Miss Megan with a look I knew all too well. It was a look of sinful hunger. It was subtle of course, but to me, unmistakable. I'm sure officially, she was Miss Megan's latest pupil. In reality, she was much more, I'm positive of it.

I had done my best to push Miss Megan out of my mind, but seeing that other girl with her raised a jealous monster in me that I hadn't known even existed in me. Had that young woman looked at me, she would have seen a look of hatred unlike any other. I wanted to be in her place.

The attendant rang the bell a few moments later, indicating that the intermission was almost over. We all walked inside. As we did, Miss Megan briefly looked in my direction, and for a moment, our eyes met. Seeing her eyes once again focused on me sent a tingle through my entire body. Once again, I longed for her gentle touch and her lips on mine.

However, much to my misfortune, the look between us only lasted an instant. Miss Megan gave me a polite smile and a curt nod, which I returned. A moment later, she and her companion vanished into the crowd.

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