Chapter Twelve: The Outhouse

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Beyoncé's POV

The next thing I knew, my alarm was buzzing quietly. Much to my surprise, I slept from midafternoon to 5:15 the next morning. I'd like to say that I felt well-rested, but my shitty old bed would take a bit of getting used to.

The next thought I had depressed me entirely. I suddenly realized that I had to go to the bathroom– the bathroom all the way outside. After a minute, I crawled out of bed and stood in the cold cabin for a few seconds. After taking a moment to accept my fate, I finally decided to brave the outhouse.

My first bout of unpleasantness was walking outside across the cold dew-covered ground in nothing but my light pajamas.

"Son of a bitch. Stupid morning dew. I hate it," I cursed loudly as I walked to the outhouse.

Upon arriving there, I detected what I'll merely describe as "The Smell." A smell so rank that no amount of odor spray that my mom keeps in the bathroom would cover up. I nearly threw up as I walked into the little wooden structure.

Entering it, I was greeted by the sight of a round hole on a platform in the middle of a room the size of a small closet. I didn't bother to look down into the hole; no person should have to see that. Of course, it got even better when I noticed what I had for toilet paper: some old rags. Thank God, I only had to pee.

After peeing quickly, I fled the outhouse and returned to the cabin. Normally, I would take a hot shower to wake up and get clean, but that wasn't an option here. I didn't even have any soap. But considering the smell I detected from some of the people here, I figured bathing wasn't something that was done all that often.

So I did the best I could. I threw on my shoes, grabbed a pitcher from the cabinet, and got some water from the stream. Taking a drink, it was cool and clean, much to my relief. At least something here didn't smell.

After splashing water on my face, I brushed my hair and put on a dress, a vast difference from the military uniform I wore yesterday. The entire time, I had to ignore my hunger and desperate need for a coffee from the yet-to-be-invented Java Barn.

I hated the living conditions here, but all I had to think about to spur me on was Mani's grave in the present day. I refused to let the Victorian Era beat me down. I am Beyoncé Knowles, and I will succeed. I also had to think about it this way: if I'm ever up for a role that takes place in the Victorian era, I'll have the part in the bag, for sure.

Finally, the last thing I did was put my phone on the solar charger. It was a pain to put it in a way where it would not easily be seen, but I managed.

At this point, a thought occurred to me, leading me to dig my Kindle out of my bag. I had scanned all of Normani's diary entries, so I figured it might be smart to take a look at what she wrote last night. Would the entry change with me interacting with her? I desperately wanted to know what she thought of me.

However, my spirits soon fell as I my eyes scanned the page of her entry.

April 29th, 1869

It rained most of the day. The talk around town has been Molly, our servant, has left her post in quite the hurry. She is to be wed to her longtime beau, Richard Howe, and I am overjoyed for her. She was always a quiet sort, but very attentive to her work.

I hope Father will be able to find someone to replace her soon. Until then, we will have to do without. As for the rest of my day, I spent some time working on my needlepoint, but otherwise, it was a fine, normal afternoon. I find myself wondering what life will be like when I live in the Rhodes estate. They have many more servants than we do. I just know that I will be happy there. I have my doubts, but I am positive they will disappear once I happily settle into married life.

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