Chapter 8 - Grim Beginnings (II)

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Days ago...

The last rain had left this town, leaving only the thundering laughter from the Broken Heart Bar and Inn.

The ones who began that brawl, took their differences outside.

The onlookers of the bar on the second floor saw Pokie Annie Sadie outside of her establishment, the warm light coming from the Broken Heart Bar and Inn, bathed her in glow of righteousness, she was already lowering her fisticuffs down against a sad figure of a man whose crooked back gave off his pathetic nature, whose shadow was pitiful in nature like the mud ridden pot holes that were so abundant in those streets of cobblestones...her turf.


From a courtyard in the Citadel, the Imperials saw Infinity Mountains roaring at the man-made storm of theirs.

For the first time in history, the false skies of those mountaintops that had been together since forever, had made a debut of their thunderous cry.

Not even their Storm would dare to clash against its dark cousin.

The Imperials knew damn well, that they made sure the Telson Hosts were satisfied the hell enough.

Their Imperial Storm could only do was faint grasps at those infinite mountains, never grasping their true objective, the Barren Corridor, a Schrödinger nightmare, either you reach the surface or wind up lost, never reaching beyond, where the Evermore Pillars remains distant.

Even the Winged Serpent of the Morrow had finally shone but meekly upon Darkpool for the beginning of a continuous mourning that will last more than a week.


"Zion has fallen, our Prince is dead"

The pretender humans...the Gendarme of Riverguard heard the news from the radio and in that courtyard, they walked toward the center of it, where the sacred fire was placed, they grieved by throwing something into the Great Mobile Pyre of Kamelung, a memorial eternal fire born from wars ages ago by the Imperials, a sacred ground for remembrance of the fallen.

The Great Pyre of Kamelung grew its size against the sudden change in the wind, it shrieked, almost devouring those mercenaries.

To have done, such an act like that was treacherous and an unusual behavior from the great pyre.

A treason they did, once sworn allies of the Warlock Prince, now they're making deals with Kamelung.

And they must comply with the new rules of this new but almost world order.

But all of sudden, the Gendarme were surrounded by mercenaries, old and new of the Empire, each one of them, youthful and hyper aware of the new system, the others were grim and battle-hardened that even one of then hissed with sorrow and threw their offerings to the fire, others in silence and others praying for the fallen Prince of Evenfall.

In curses of ill will or the opposite, for these soldiers of fortune, they grew up hearing the tales and exploits of the Warlock Prince and his companions.

The prince named "Zion" was to them, the colored man, a freedman from nowhere, who rode on thunder and lightning to lift the siege of the dying kingdom of Dormgi and upon that mount, where was he anointed as crown bearer by the will of the Telson Hosts.

The colored man of indigo whose name was Zion, who also rode on a chariot made of firestorms;  the Warlock Prince saved what's left of his motherland and its people, carried them over into his now, principality of Evenfall, but the true name of that rogue nation is:

CORAZÓN AGUIJÓN (Crónicas de los Infra-Reinos) by DeLeon Cortes A.Where stories live. Discover now