02. reunited

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Katherine sat with Harlow as the two watched Carl with Shane, a sad look on the younger James' sister's face as she watched the two who had smiles etched on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Katherine asks her.

"It's not fair" Harlow shakes her head.

"What's not?" Katherine asks confusedly, looking down at her sister.

"Shane, getting close to Carl, he already has his Mom" her sister replies.

Katherine sighed, she knew where her sister was coming from, she was jealous Carl still had his Mom, and had Shane by his side as well, whereas the James' sisters don't have family in the camp, they only have each other.

"Carl lost his Dad too, Harlow" Katherine told her softly, "Shane's just trying to make him feel better"

"I miss Mom and Dad," Harlow whispered.

"Me too," Katherine replied, pulling her sister into a side hug, her head leaning on her older sister's shoulder.

"Do you think things are going to get better?" Harlow suddenly asked.

Katherine wanted to lie to her, give her hope that everything will be okay, but from the way Glenn has described the city to her, Katherine doesn't think things will go back to the way they used to be. This life they're living now, is the new normal. The dead control the world now. And Harlow had to learn the hard way.

"Honestly, no, I don't" Katherine told her sister

⋆ ★ ⋆

Katherine heard Dale call for her, she got off her seat from next to her sister and raced over to the RV, where he stood on top, holding the radio close to him.

"Is it them?" Katherine asked frantically, joining Amy's side.

Katherine could make out T-Dog's voice over the static, a small smile appeared on her face, knowing he was okay. Dale tried to boost the signal, but T-Dog still appeared static and it became difficult to hear him. "We're in some deep shit. We're trapped in the department store"  T-Dog's voice came over the radio.

"He says they're trapped?" Shane questioned.

"There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of 'em. We're surrounded" T-Dog informed them.

Katherine's heart dropped, her smiling disappearing, they were all alive, but how long would that last before the walkers take them out.

"T-Dog. Repeat that last. Repeat" Dale told him, but was only answered with static, they had lost contact with T-Dog and the others.

"He said the department store," Lori spoke up.

"I heard it too," Dale agreed.

"We have to go after them," Katherine said.

"No way. We do not go after them and risk the rest of the group. Y'all know" Shane turned to her.

"So we're just gonna leave her there?" Amy asks.

Katherine scoffs, "I don't care what he says, I'm not leaving them there"

Shane sighs and turns to the two upset blondes, "Look, I know that this is not easy–"

"She volunteered to go, to help the rest of us" Amy cut him off.

"I know, and she knew the risks, they all did" he replied, looking at Amy then at Katherine beside him who was giving him dirty glares, Katherine did not like Shane. "See, if she's trapped, she's gone" Shane adds.

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