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It was almost my 15th birthday. In exactly two hours and seventeen minutes a helicopter from the capital city would pick me up at my doorstep in Sector ten. I would be flown to headquarters where my Reading would be conducted. The Reading would tell me my job, where I was to live, and what kind of a person I was. I had no choice about what it told me. I trusted the Reading to guide me. It would tell me if I would live on the mainland, in sectors 1-30 or if I would live on one of the islands in sectors 31-45. The type of person I was would determine my job. I was hoping to be a schoolteacher, but I knew that the chances of that were slim.

"Marvel Lynn Kope!! Get down here right now!" It was my mother. "It's time for dinner. You need to eat and be ready to go when the officials get here to take you to the capital!"

I sat up in bed and ran down the stairs. My family, Mother, Father, Leo, and Shayla, were sitting around the table. I took my seat and put my napkin in my lap. Proper manners were very important to my mother.

"Darling, please refrain from running down the stairs like you did. It's not ladylike." I nodded to my mother.

I had always been the wild child, never quite fitting in, because my family was so perfect and proper. I wasn't made to be like that. I loved to run and laugh loud and be crazy. Father found it amusing but Mother hated it.

"Let's eat then, Marvel has a big night tonight." My father said. I smiled at him and he winked at me.
The food was passed around and eaten quickly. I had to get into my new dress and have my mother help me with my hair so I would look good for my Reading.

After dinner I excused myself and went to my room. My new dress was laid on my bed, ready to be worn for the first time. I quickly slipped out of my everyday clothes and into the black, lacy dress that went to just above my knees.

"That dress is beautiful on you." My mother commented. She was standing in my doorway. My mother had long, wavy brown hair. Her eyes were a brilliant blue. She looked gorgeous even in her everyday clothing.

"Thank you. Can you curl my hair for me?" I asked. Unlike my mother, I had out-of-control red hair. My eyes were a deep brown. I was thin, and didn't have her natural beauty. I had to work to look nice.
"Of course." My mother got to work on curling my hair. It was a tough job and took a long time. When she was done it looked amazing though. I gave her a hug.

"Oh mom, thank you. I really don't know what I would do with out you. I don't know if I'm ready for this!" My mother hugged me back and kissed the top of my head.
"You will be just fine. You are ready for this, despite what you think. Now come on, let's get going. I can hear the helicopter coming." I smiled and shrugged out of her arms. I grabbed my handbag and walked down the stairs.

Shayla, my ten year old sister, waited at the bottom. "Wow Marvel! You look great!" She looked just like my mother. "Thanks." I replied. My father was smiling at me. He gave me a hug. I heard the helicopter quickly approaching the house. My heart was pounding already.
"Good luck Marvel. We'll see you tonight." My father said. I nodded at him and took a deep breath.

Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, I kept telling myself.

Leo, my seven year old brother came in. Outside I could hear that the helicopter was getting closer to the ground.

"Time for me to go." I said nervously. My mother and father gave me a quick hug each and then released me.

The ground lurched as the helicopter landed outside. My stomach flipped inside me. I swallowed hard. My mother waved me off. I took a deep breath and opened the door that would take me to my future.

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