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I stepped outside. A huge gust of wind hit my face. The helicopter sat in my front lawn, waiting for me. An official was getting out of the helicopter. He wore a black suit and black pants. The official walked up to me and held out a hand. I took it.

"Miss Kope? I was sent by president Marshall Kingyard to pick you up for your Reading." The man told me. I nodded.
"Very well. I'll help you into the cockpit. My name is Jonathan by the way." He guided me to the helicopter and easily lifted me up into it.

My hair stopped swirling around my face and it got quieter. The inside of the helicopter was bright and clean. Everything was white. There was a steering wheel and lots of technology that I had never seen before. Towards the back there was another room. It had a couch and a TV. Definitely the room I would be staying in. I needed to relax.

"That's where you'll be." Jonathan said, pointing towards the room.
"Thank you very much sir." I said. He opened the door for me and I entered. Soft music was playing. I walked to the couch and sat down. It was so much nicer than anything we had in the house.
"Miss Kope?" Jonathan asked.
"Just Marvel please. And yes?" I replied
"We have to get going. We don't want to be late for your Reading. Take offs in helicopters can be rough. It will be easiest for you if you sit down." I nodded.

I laid down on the couch and listened to the music. I felt as the helicopter lifted into the sky. My eyes started to droop and I was soon fast asleep.

"Miss Kope, er, Marvel?" Someone mumbled. Everything was fuzzy. Someone was tapping my shoulder. I opened my eyes. Where was I? What was I doing here? Finally everything came back into focus. Today was the day of my Reading. MY READING!!!

"Jonathan. Yes?" I asked. My words came out as a kind of mumble.
"We have arrived at the president's castle. He, and his crew, are awaiting your arrival. The feast is prepared. All they need is you miss."
"Sure, sure. I'm ready." I sat up. Jonathan took my hand and helped me up and then out of the helicopter.

I looked up and gasped. The castle was huge and absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't wait to get inside and meet the president. Honestly though, I just wanted to have my Reading.
"Big huh?" Jonathan asked. I nodded, unable to get any words out.

Jonathan led me to the front doors of the castle. Guards opened the doors and I stepped in. The walls were stone and the carpet was red. A giant chandelier hung from the tall ceiling. As I was looking around in awe I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up. It was the president. Of course, here I was looking around and the president of our country was standing right in front of me! I blushed.

"Marvel Kope I presume?" The president asked. He had a low husky voice. I nodded and bowed my head. "The feast is waiting in the grand dining hall. Would you please follow me? Jonathan, you are excused from your duties for the night and I thank you for getting Marvel here safely." I followed as the president turned. He led me to an even bigger room. There was a massive table sitting in the middle with probably 30 chairs placed around it. The table had more food on it than I had ever seen in my life. The president went and sat down at the head of the table with his wife beside him.

"Sit where you want my dear, this night is all yours." His wife said to me. I sat down next to the official from my sector. He said hello to me. Waiters came out and began serving food to us. At home I just would have asked for the food to be passed but I guess that wasn't how it worked here.

Soup and salad came first. They had made chicken noodle soup which was absolutely delicious. Then came the main course of fettuccine alfredo and grilled chicken. It was the best I had ever had in my life. Last came dessert. I had a choice of red velvet cake and a scoop of vanilla ice cream or an assortment of cookies. I went for the cake and ice cream. It was by far the best meal I had ever eaten in my life.

"Do you enjoy your meal Marvel?" The president asked me. I hadn't been spoken to the entire meal. "Oh yes sir. Thank you. It was amazing." He smiled at me.

"Now it is time for your Reading. If everyone could quickly move to the ballroom we will begin." I smiled. My stomach was flip flopping inside. This. Was. It. My future all came down to my Reading. I took a deep breath and followed the president to the ballroom.

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