Plans And Sleepy Gas

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"Marvel, I presume you had been informed of your real Reading results?" The President asked.
"Good. We need to get you to Distinct Island. Unfortunately, you cannot tell anyone about your results. Normally we would send you home to gather your things and you would be transported to your new sector in the morning. But we have to get you to the island ASAP. The longer you're around the Normals, the higher the chance gets that you'll tell."
"I'm not going to tell anyone! Quentin said I could get killed!" I yelled. The President frowned.
"Yes, well, we're not going to risk it. Your things will be brought to Distinct Island by Jonathan, the man who escorted you here from your house. They should be here..."
"No! I need to go home. I'm not going to let a random man decide what I want to bring to my new home!" I interrupted.

Quentin put his hand on my shoulder. "You have to calm down Marvel. He hates when people talk back." He whispered.
"Well I hate being told what to do!" I whisper-shouted back.

The President cleared his throat. "As I was saying, Jonathan will bring everything that is yours to Distinct Island. It should be at the island by 10 am tomorrow morning."
"Can you at least have a woman be the one to pack my bags?" I begged.

"I suppose that we could have that arranged." He nodded to one of his servants. The servant walked towards the back of the ballroom. He pulled out a radio and began speaking. Moments later he walked back.
"It is arranged that Lady Zelda will pack the girls things." The servant said. The President nodded. "Good."

"Quentin, if you would kindly show Marvel to the bathroom? It's going to be a long ride to Distinct Island and I assume she needs to relieve herself." The President said. My mouth fell open.
"Well you assumed wrong sir. And that's creepy. So Quentin, do not walk me to the bathroom like a little kid." I said. Quentin was holding in his laughter. I could tell. I glared at him.

"Very well Marvel. There is not bathrooms on the helicopter and it's an eight hour flight. Your choice though." The President replied. I nodded.

"Until you have graduated school on Distinct Island, you may not know exactly where the island is. Unfortunately this means we must put you to sleep." One of the servants said to me. The President smiled at me. I gave him the most ugly and rude face that I could.
"Well that sucks, because I refuse to let you people put me to sleep. You could take me anywhere! So no." I yelled. Quentin chuckled.
"Stop laughing." I said to him and I kicked him in the shin.

He winced and bent down to rub his leg.
"You are one stubborn girl." He mumbled. I kicked him again.

"What do you want us to do sir?" The servant asked the President. The President whispered in his ear.
"Secrets don't make friends!" I screamed, "And I really don't like you, so I don't recommend keeping secrets." The President straightened up. He looked tense.
"You will make one heck of a Distinct of I do say so myself." He said.
I shrugged. "Well, thanks I guess. But your still not knocking me out for a helicopter ride."
"Yes we are. Quentin, please lead her to the medical room. She needs her check up. I need to affirm that the helicopter will be ready to take off as soon as she is out." The President ordered.

Quentin nodded to me. He started walking away but I stayed right where I was. The President and his servants walked away. Quentin looked back.
"Marvel come on. Don't make me pick you up and carry you there." He said. I shook my head. "They are absolutely not putting me to sleep."
"Yes they are."
"No, they are not."
"NO! NO THEY ARE NOT!" I screamed.

Quentin took a deep breath. He walked towards me.
"Fine, let's do it the hard way." He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. I thrashed around, but it really wasn't doing any good.

"Put me down Quentin! I hate you!" I yelled.
He just laughed. We walked out of the ballroom, through a few hallways and then we stopped. He put me down but quickly grabbed my wrist. Quentin opened the door to the room we had stopped in front of.
"Don't fight okay? It's cute and all but it makes my job harder than it needs to be."

I groaned. The room we walked into was white. Everything that I could see was white. It smelled like a hospital. In the corner a young, female doctor stood.

"Hello Marvel. You are required to have a check up performed by a doctor here before you move to any new sector." She said. She gave me a kind smile.
"Let's get it over with." I groaned.
She pointed to a scale. I stepped on it. She recorded my weight. I then stood against a wall and she recorded my height.
"Marvel, do you currently have any contagious diseases?" She asked. I shook my head.
"Have you ever had any life threatening diseases?" I shook my head again.
"Have you ever broken a bone?" I nodded.
"I broke my right leg once."
"Thank you. Let's proceed with the check up so you can leave."

The check up went like any other check up that I had had at home. When I was done she gave me two shots, one in each arm. I cringed, I really hated shots. Then it was over.

"You're good to go Marvel. You are in great health. I have been told to put you to sleep. Could you please lie down?" The doctor asked. I shook my head.
"Marvel, come on." Quentin hissed.

Was it really worth fighting anymore? They were going to put me to sleep whether I went willingly or not. I finally decided to just lay down.

"Thank you dear." The doctor said. She put a mask over my mouth and nose that was hooked to a canister. I held my breath. I didn't want to go out just yet.

Don't... Breath... In.

Don't... Do... It... Marvel.

Don't breath in. My lungs were screaming at me to breath. No, no, no! I couldn't. They could do anything to me once I was asleep. But my lungs were on fire. I had to breath. I had to. I sucked in a breath.

And everything went black.

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