Don't forget who the family is

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— Hey, kiddo? Are you feeling better?
— After being put to a involuntary nap cause i asked my mother to get out of here? Yes, I'm feeling amazing after being contained like a fucking animal or something.
— She got into the train back to home a few hours ago.
— I shouldn't be relieved, should i?
— In the perfect world? Probably not. But in here? A place with a lot of psychiatrists and a legal person to take care of you instead? Yeah, i think you can feel relieved.
— What legal person?
— Remember when you were a kid and your mom got really really sick before we got divorced?
— Yeah, she passed months getting in and out of hospitals.
— In that time i became your legal guardian.
— I could've been living with you all this time?
— That's not what I said. Your mom's house it was still the better place for you to stay. But here i can stay with you all you want to.
— She was mad?
— Well, if i could guess, i think the sedatives were for her.
— I didn't meant to get out of control, you know? I was just screaming i didn't even got out of bed.
— Not that you would be able to. I know, everyone knows that you were just angry.
— She just kept calling me Ella and i just lost it. I just wanted her to back off and get out, why she couldn't just do it? Just get the fuck out of me?
— It's difficult for her to assimilate that you don't want her close to you. She thinks she is doing everything for your best.
— And me telling her that I'm worst is not enough for her to stop and re-think?
— She thinks you are out of your mind and need to be protected.
— She is delusional!
— And that's why I think the sedatives should be for her, but none of this really matter, it does?
— I guess not, but it should.
— I know kiddo, i know. — He had a card between his fingers.
— What's that?
— Hedge asked me to give it to you. Said that you would understand. — It was the Hitomezashi that was in his sketchbook, the same colors, the same patterns.
— This motherfucker send me a Hitomezashi saying that i would understand?
— A hito what?
— It's a draw with a coded message in binary. At least it was what they said. Do you have my phone?
— You are gonna try to decode this? That is something i wanna watch.
— It cant be so difficult.

Jesus Christ this shit is impossible. The numbers were almost floating and spinning in my head, i knew the logic, but it was like the zeros and ones were dancing with each other. Due heavy pain killers or dyslexia, or both i would never finish that shit. I need to guess, to use logic. "It's not coded for nothing" "I'm your bruh" "that why you can't know"
Eight numbers for a letter, wich means four letters. Something that i couldn't know. Love? No. Gay? Too short and obvious. Bruh? They said it on they're music. Rock? Ridiculous. Four letters, four letter, four letters. "Well, i don't think you need to thank me, you are now with a second pussy on your head because of me, so i think we are even. " " No, no, heros don't get payed back. I'm gonna do something cool for ya." " Hero? Your are not a hero Garter! With this much bruises you at least embarrassed yourself." Hero! It's hero! Who needs math when i am a fucking genius?!
Pope! Pope wake up! — I called, throwing a crumpled napkin on him.
— What? What are you good?
— It's hero, It says hero.
— Do you really got this? Like for real?
— No, i guessed, i need you to see if i am correct.
— You woke me just to give me math homework?
— Hospitalwork. But yes. Come'on. I keep confusing the order of the numbers.
— It is passed the midnight!
— Do you have somewhere to go? Something more interesting?
— Yeah! Morpheus arms! The Dreamland! Far far away! Sleep!
— Come'on please! I need to have something to rub in hedge's face when they come to visit me tomorrow!
— Fine! If you stop talking, Jeez.

— THATS WHAT GROWN MEN DO?! Harass kids, you fuck? — He punched my ribs. The air got blocked on my lungs, burning. He grabbed my shirt, throwing me against the other wall and I almost tripped over Hedge's foot.
— Shit! — I got dizzy, kinda of a blurred blackened vision of his angry face. His hand pressing my chest, trapping me against the wall. My muscles got numb, as it was getting out of my brains control. I just could listen the switchblade being open, the sharp noise in looping on my head. Even his voice was too distorted to understand.
— Get out of here, Hedge! — Shi-shit, the blade! shit. Shit!

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