Let me hold you- Bravertz

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Set right after Germany vs Costa Rica World Cup 2022:

Kai knew, that this was it.
He could see it from the Faces of the other Players on the Bench,who looked devestated.Kai could feel the Crowds Reaction,when the Spain vs Japan Game was over before theirs.
He could feel the Change in Emotions in each Face of his fellow Players.He knew,that it doesnt matter,how many more Goals he or anyone else scored: It was over.

The Wistle blows and the Stadium was quiet,which was somehing Kai never experienced before.Even when it was a Draw,the Crowd still was loud and fantastic.Now it was just Silence.Both the Coasta Rica and German Fans were dissapointed,that their Teams were out and Kai shared this Feeling.

Kai's gaze wanders over the benches and his teammates, looking for a very specific person.
But Julian wasn't there and Kai knows that his Boyfriend needs some Time.
The last Time he saw him,was after Kai scored his second Goal in under 10 minutes.
Jule's Look was full of Hope and Love and at that Moment Kai was sure,that they could do it.

But now everything came crashing down and he knew better than anyone else,how exited Jule was to play at the World Cup and how much the fact,that they are out and he never got the Chance to play,hurts him.

Kai took an long Breath and went to hug some of his Friends.All of them looked devestated and Kai couldn't blame them.
2018 was a Shock for the whole Team, it was Pain to fly Home after the Group Stage and nobody wanted to experience it again.

But here they are, out in the Group Stage again and flying back Home soon.

Which means,that Kai is going to fly back to London and Jule will go back to Dortmund.
And it hurts,because that was one Thing Kai was exited about at this World Cup: to play with Julian and finally spending Time together again.

It was hard after Kai moved to London,hell even after Julian transfered to the BvB it was hard,but at least they were still in the same Country.

But when Kai moved to England,it showed,how much they both needed each other.
Jule,who called Kai crying,because he missed him so much and Kai sitting in the Plane to Germany on the next Day to see him,are Things,that happen as often as both of their Lifes let it happen.
But their Relationship was stronger than ever and Kai really doesnt know what he would do without Jule.

Kai was only torn out of his thoughts by Leon, who walked past him with Joshua and nudged him lightly: "Hey...Hansi is calling you, I think you should do an interview." His voice sounded hoarse and Kai could only nod before Leon and Josuha disappeared again, probably to be able to be somewhere without cameras pointing at them.

Kai sighed and quickly walked over to Hansi, who sent him straight over to the interview. He knew from the Beginning that he would be doing an interview after this game,no matter how it ended,but he just didn't have the nerve to do it probably.
All he wanted was to go back to the hotel, throw himself into bed,with Julian of course, and forget what happened.
The Interview passed him and Kai was glad when the reporter finally had enough. He said goodbye and went to the team changing room as quickly as possible.

When he opened the Door,he could see that most of them have already left and  made their way back to the bus. Only Leon, Joshua and Nico were there, but already finished and ready to go. With a short nod, Kai went straight into the shower.
Although he had to hurry, the short shower was a blessing. Shutting down was something Kai needed after every game, but after today's game it was even more urgent than usual.

When he stepped out of the shower, only with a towel wrapped around his waist, he didn't notice the person standing at the door watching him. Only when he looked up briefly did he notice Julian, who was looking at Kai with sad eyes. Kai sighed and spread his arms. Julian crossed the room in a few steps and fell into Kai's arms,His arms wrapped around his body immiently.
Kai could feel,that Jule was trying not to cry, which is why he, if possible, pulled him even closer and said: "Let it out, I'm here."

Kai felt how Julian had used these words, the tears now flowing and Jule sobbed loudly.
Tears mixed with the water on Kai's upper body and flowed down him. It tore him up to see Jule like that. So devastated, as if there were no more sense in this World.
Kai also noticed tears coming to his eyes and so the two just stood there in the changing room, arms wrapped around each other and just concentrating on themselves.
When the sobs became less and Julian's shoulders stopped shaking, Kai slowly let go. But Jule only tightened his grip and whispered: "Don't."

And as much Kai wanted this Moment to last forever,just the two of them,he knew that they need to face the World and finally catch up to the others,who are probably already searching for them.

When he tells Jule this,the older Man chuckled quietly and says:
"You are right,I just...don't want to go. Because I know what waits for us and I know,that we will fly back to Germany soon and then you will be back in England and I just...I am going to miss you so much."

Kai felt somehing in him break,when he listened to Jule's Words.Hell,why is this World so cruel.
He just wrapped his Arms around the smaller Man and just says:"I will miss you too.So much."

Jule wrapped his Arms around Kai again and after another probably 5 Minutes of just standing there together,they let go again.
Because they knew,that they need to keep going.

"I am going already,see you in the Bus",Jule said and after a quick Kiss on the Lips,he disappeared through the door and left Kai behind, who quickly got dressed to finally get to the bus.

When Kai finally reached the Bus,Hansi was standing at the Door with Manuel,who tries to Ring someone.Okay probably him.

"I'm here",he said and both of the Man looked up.
"Where were you? We were looking for you.You are the last one",Hansi said and Kai just said:"Sorry I forgot the Time"

Hansi just shaked his Head and got into Bus.
Kai followed right after,but was stopped  by Manu,who put an Hand on his Shoulder and whispered:"Are you alright?"

Kai shrugged and said:"I dont know.
It's just....I just wish we had more Time."
He didn't need to explain, Manuel knew exactly what he meant.

He was the only one,who knew about Kai and Jule,after he saw them making out after a Game they won last Year.
Ever since then he keeps the Secret save and is, beside Sam and Mitch, the only other Player who knows aout their Relationship.

Before Manuel could answer,Hansi called again and they both quickly made their Way into the Bus.

Kai took his Seat next to Julian,who smiled at him and held out an airpod to Kai, who was only too happy to accept it. "Like always?" Jule asked quietly and Kai nodded before leaning back and closing his eyes.
The two knew exactly which playlist they needed now, after all they had created it together,right before Kai moved to London:

It was a mix of sad Songs,because they will be in different Countries with an 8 Hour Drive between them.

But also hopeful and happy Songs, because they
knew,that it doesnt matter how much Distance is between them:
They will always find their Way back to each other.

Because Kai is Jule's Home and Jule is Kai's & nothing will ever Change that.

And with that Thought Kai smiled and falls asleep, his head falling on Jule's shoulder.
Jule smiles and puts his head on Kai's.Then he closes his eyes and lets the melody pull him to sleep.


Words: 1415
☆Finished: Wednesday, Jan. 11 2023

just a little Oneshot I put together after the Match and now I  finally finished it. 

I am still sad, that Germany was out and Jule never got to play.
But I am very exited for Bundesliga and Champions League to start again!!

☆ Lara

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