Lestappen - Flinching

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It was an cold Night in Monaco.

The Moon was hiding behind big,dark Clouds and a cold Wind is howling around.
The Apartmentcomplex was dark and only one Window has a little Light shining in the Dark.

Max Verstappen stepped out of the Bathroom,a tired Smile laying on his Lips,even though the Day was not exactly what he would decribe as a good Day.
He was almost late for Training, which is something, that never happend before.
Even though he was not late,thanks to Charles waking him up with a small kiss on the Lips before heading to his own Meetings,his Father's loud voice could be heard
the second he arrived at the Garage.

He only kept his Head down,when his Father told him to be more professional and that he should be there to the right Time.
Max didn't correct him.He knows,that he should stand up for himself,Max just did not know how to raise his voice.

His Father was difficult,if you want
to call it that and Max just didn't have the courage to cut him out of his life.
One of the good things about the pandemic was that Jo Verstappen could not attend every possible training session and because of that never visited.Because everything he cares about is racing and Maxs Performance.

It wasn't easy living under the pressure and over the Years Max was on the verge of leaving Formula 1 a number of occasions.
He loved racing, but the stress his father has put him through made him despise what he usually loved the most.

But then Charles Leclerc made his Debut in Formula 1,they saw each other again and Max really doesnt know how to describe his Love for that Boy.
It was easy with Charles and even though they are rivals on the track and in the Eye of the Media they hate each other,but they are happy together and Max wouldn't know what he would do without Charles by his side. Speaking of Charles, he was the only reason why he still had a smile on his face even after such a hard day of training.He always smiles when he thinks about hm.

It was twelve past ten and Charles wasn't home yet, as his meeting was taking longer than expected.
Ferrari had a lot to discuss with him and Carlos. Max just hoped that this time, they are better and respected both,Charles and Carlos.He really wants Ferari to have a good Season,so that he could really battle them.

Max knew it would probably be a while before Charles got home and that he really could go to bed.
But he missed Charles and wanted to cuddle with him,so he made himself comfortable on the couch.
He opened Instagram on his private Account and scrolled through a few Fanpages and Hashtags.

He could feel the Tiredness drowing him and his Eyes fell shut a Couple of Times,before Max finally lets himself put to sleep.
Just a little Nap before Charles gets back.
When Max wakes up again,it was still dark outside and with a Look at the Clock he could see that it was past Midnight already.
He just wanted to go to Bed and sleep.
Charles probably didn't had the Heart to wake him up,so he left him here,until Max woke up himself.
But before Max could even stand up,his Phone rang.
Puzzled about his Phone ringing at nearly 1 am,Max answered the Call without looking at the ID in Front of him.

"Verstappen?",he said and on the other End the quiet Voice of Pierre Gasly started talking:
"Max....I am so sorry,so so sorry.
I tried ringing you,but you didn't answer and now he is..."
The last Bit of the Sentence was muffled from the Silent Cries Pierre lets out.

When Max was puzzled before,he is now completly unsure of what is going on.Why is Charles best Friend calling him at nearly 1am,full ends crying and saying that he is sorry.Max didn't understand anything.

"Hold on Pierre,what are you talking about?I just woke up,finally wanting to go to Bed and now you are calling me crying.
Nothing against you,but wouldn't Charles or Yuki be a Way better Option to call,when you have something on your Mind.I don't exactly know,how to help."

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