That night

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"Hellow 911?" The man panted.

A small horrified voice confirming he was hiding from someone...... someone like death.

"Yes sir how can I help you?" Taehyung put phone between his shoulder and head ready to note down address.

"P-... Please save me! H-... He will kill me please!!!" The man whispered..... His killer must be somewhere around and taehyung understood he didn't have much time.

"Sir please tell us your address our team will come there within 10 minutes." He said getting up signalling man in front to get his car ready. Not forgetting to record phone for evidence.... He was rank one officer of Seoul for some reason.

"T-... Ten minutes? N-.... No h-... AAAAAH JUNGKOOK NO PLEASE! P-.... PLEASE!" The man yelled.

" Hellow? Sir you there? " Tae tried to understood what's going on but there was shrinking voice on background.

Voice of hammer sliding on ground......a dangerously big hammer to be precise from voice.

"JUNGKOOK PLEASE! Let me go!!! Please J-...umghhhh AAAAH ...... Jungkook don't! .... Please......AAAAAAH NO!!! P-... Someone help me please......umghhhhh...." That's all tae heard beyond that screeching sound of hammer before call disconnected.

" Yoongi tress this number fast, hobi get the  car ready!"  Tae said getting out already.

"Yes boss." Yoongi said copying number from tae's laptop.

"Sir location is in soul grant's apartment. From 15 floor ..... Registered on ...... Park Jimin." Yoongi said reading information on screen.

"Hobi let's go and take some more cops there might be more...."

"Copy that!"

Half hour before..............

"Come on Jimin it's your birthday party...... Can't you atleast pretend to be happy?" Taemin one of jimin friend took sit beside jimin who was busy in starring wall.

They were in jimins bedroom where all other friends were in living room enjoying party. Not caring much what birthday boy was doing they were busy in finishing alcohol.

"I am enjoying tae." He whispered.

"Who you are lying with huh? Let's go one glass is all you need for forgetting that jungcock guy!" Taemin said pulling jimins hand to make him stand but it was no use.

" Its jungkook for fucks sake!" Jimin whispered but anger clear in his voice.

" Wherever.....i mean it made you laugh."

" I didn't?"jimin looked at him with serious face this time.

"Huh?"taemin looked at him with dumbfounded look.

"I didn't laugh." Jimin cleared his point.

"I-..... Yaaaaaah park Jimin! Can't you appreciate my efforts?" Tae screamed and jimin laughed slightly this time.

"Woahhhh was that your smile? Come on mannnmmn i deserve more of it! Let's go." He said and dragged man in hall where all jimin's friends were drinking and eating cake.

Hall was decorated with all pics of jimin from his childhood and then with all friends...... All thanks to taemin's skills. Smashed cake was lying on table with happy birthday mochiboy written on it.

Taemin picked up one glass of vodka and put it on jimins hands who just stared at it.

"For me!" Taemin said and made jimin drink it in one go.

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